
yùn dònɡ chǎnɡ
  • playground;playing field;sports ground;stadium;park;field;rec
运动场 [yùn dòng chǎng]
  • [sports field] 用于体育锻炼或比赛的场地

  1. 家里养成的作风会表现在学校的运动场上。

    Attitudes learned at home carry over into the playground .

  2. 萨姆在运动场上把我推倒了。

    Sam pushed me over in the playground .

  3. 这是一位艺术家对未来新运动场作的印象画。

    This is an artist 's impression of the new stadium .

  4. 他逃离了运动场,警察在后面紧追不舍。

    He fled from the stadium with the police at his heels .

  5. 我们的后院和运动场之间隔着一堵高墙。

    A high wall separated our back yard from the playing field .

  6. 运动场里所有的座位都编了号。

    All the seats in the stadium are numbered .

  7. 马特忍着痛歪歪斜斜地走出了运动场。

    Matt limped painfully off the field .

  8. 孩子们欢快地跑下黄色的校车,冲进运动场。

    Children scampered off the yellow school bus and into the playground

  9. 有一个游泳池、几个板球场和运动场。

    There was a swimming-pool , cricket pitches , playing fields

  10. 运动场管理员全力整备球场。

    The ground staff do all they can to prepare the pitch .

  11. 他绕着运动场跌跌撞撞地走着,并且痛苦地大叫。

    He staggered around the playground , screaming in agony

  12. 在这份规划里,一些开放空间——运动场、高尔夫球场边缘以及小公园——将得以保留。

    Under the plan , bits of open space — fields , golf-course borders and small parks — will be preserved .

  13. 跳伞员的目标是运动场,却降落在附近的社区里。

    The parachuter was aiming at the playground but landed in a nearby community .

  14. 运动场上一字儿站着十名足球运动员。

    Ten footballer stood in a row on the sport ground .

  15. 人群从运动场拥出。

    The crowds surge out of the sports stadium .

  16. 他一瘸一拐地离开了运动场。

    He limped off the playground .

  17. 一大群工人被招来建筑运动场。

    An army of workmen was brought in to build the stadium .

  18. 我宁愿在花园里锄草,不愿在运动场上跑来跑去。

    I would rather hoe in the garden than run on the playground .

  19. 号一响,我们就跑到运动场集合站队。

    As the bugle sounded we ran to the sports ground and fell in .

  20. 运动场周长一英里。

    It 's a mile round the circumference of the field .

  21. 一个著名的运动员举着火炬跑到运动场。

    A famous athlete held a torch and ran to the stadium .

  22. 那个露天运动场正在进行一场比赛。

    The stadium is being used for a match .

  23. 10分钟进入了故事状态,而我儿子却会忽然说,“你知道吗,今天在操场上发生了些事情,真让我烦恼。”然后我们就会不讲故事了,转而说说运动场发生了什么。

    I find that 10 minutes into a story , you know , my son will suddenly say , " You know , something happened in the playground today that really bothered me . " And we 'll go off and have a conversation on that .

  24. 计算显示,水平运动场的最佳数值解和GPS观测值的平均离散度为10171mm2/year(三维模型)、1.176mm2/year(二维模型)。

    The results show that the average discreteness between the optimum calculations and GPS observations is 1.171mm2/year ( 3D model ) and 1.176 mm2 / year ( 2D model ) .

  25. 【英文原文】Classicalmusicfanatic——古典音乐的狂热粉丝我们学校的管理员是一名疯狂的古典音乐爱好者。他有一个古怪的习惯,每次在给运动场的球打上气之后,他都要在球上面写上一些著名作曲家的名字。

    After inflating the playground balls , our school custodian , a classical music fanatic , had an odd habit of writing the names of famous composers on them .

  26. 其次分析了3D运动场到2D矢量场的投影转化关系,建立了三个光流场模型:仿射变换模型、平面片光流模型和一般二次多项式模型;

    Secondly , the transforming relationships from 3D moving field to 2D vector field are analyzed and three optical flow models are modeled , which are affine transform model , planar optical flow model and general quadric polynomial model respectively ;

  27. 国际滑雪比赛可以在明斯克附近的Raubichy奥林匹克运动场举行,它离明斯克仅为22公里。

    Excellent cross-country skiing is available near Minsk-the Raubichy Olympic Sports Complex , 22km from Minsk .

  28. 采用PVC管为模拟运动场的基础构造,研究控释氮肥对运动场草坪颜色、均一度、生长速度、地上生物量的影响以及模拟超量降雨条件下收集的淋洗液硝酸盐动态变化情况。

    By simulating basic structure of stadium with PVC pipe , effects of controlled release nitrogen fertilizer on color , uniformity , sward growth rate , the biomass above the ground , the nutrient dynamic change of collected leaching liquid under the simulation ultra quantity rainfall condition were studied .

  29. 就在奥林匹亚的古运动场——公元前776年举行第一次奥运会的地方——的入口外,有一系列人称宙斯像群(Zanes)的残破基座。

    Just outside the entrance to the ancient stadium in Olympia - the site of the first Olympic Games in 776 B.C. - stand a series of crumbling stone bases known as the Zanes .

  30. 我叫他们离开大学的运动场。

    I told them to get off the University playing fields .