
yùn zài gōng jù
  • Vehicle;means of delivery;carrier;launch vehicle;conveyance;booster
运载工具[yùn zài gōng jù]
  1. 由于多数RNA病毒具有天然地在肿瘤细胞选择性复制的特点,近年来用这类病毒作为新型运载工具在肿瘤基因治疗方面引起了人们的关注。

    Because most RNA virus have the characteristics of selective replication in tumor cells , NDV is interesting to be a new viral carrier in tumor gene therapy in recent years .

  2. 目前的研究表明,超声微泡造影剂在治疗中也显示出巨大潜力,可作为一种有效的基因或药物运载工具。

    Present study shows that ultrasound contrast agent which may be effective carrier of drug and gene have great potential in treatment .

  3. 渐渐远离我们的运载工具发出的声似乎比平常的音调低

    Sounds produced by vehicles receding from us seem lower-pitched than usual .

  4. HSA在人体内起着维持血液渗透压、运输营养等作用,是血液最重要的运载工具和血浆蛋白成分,在肌体内发挥重要的生理功能。

    HSA takes an important role in human bodies . For example , it keeps the osmotic pressure of blood and transports nutrients .

  5. PTD这种能携带融合蛋白自由进入细胞的独特功能为人类一些疾病的基因治疗提供了一种新的运载工具,在基因治疗中有着美妙的应用前景。

    The distinct property of PTD that can take along fused protein entering into cells unconventionally offers a new vehicle to gene therapy for some diseases and has dulcet applied perspective .

  6. 叙利亚也有约4000枚火箭弹,像美国的机尾炮,可不用运载工具随身携带,挂在肩上使用,“单人便携式空防系统”,或manpads。

    Syria also has about 4000 rockets , which , like American stingers , can be carried around without vehicles and hoisted onto a shoulder for use : " man-portable air-defence systems " , or MANPADS .

  7. 运载工具运输沿线外温预测方法研究

    Research on Prediction Algorithm for Outdoor Air Temperature along Transportation Line

  8. 发展中水上运载工具水运工程设计节能规范

    Advance marine vehicle Code for energy-conservation in water transport engineering design

  9. 先进复合材料在航天器及其运载工具上的应用

    Application of Advanced Composite Materials on Spacecrafts and Launch Vehicles

  10. 从某种程度上说,它们是天然的基因运载工具。

    In a way they are natural gene delivery vehicles .

  11. 面向21世纪世界海上快速运载工具的发展前景

    Prospect of Fast Sea Transport Vehicles Worldwide Development towards the 21st Century

  12. 防止大规模杀伤性武器及其运载工具扩散问题。

    Non-Proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery .

  13. 装载机的卸载运输机卸载,卸(货)(从运载工具或集装箱中)卸下(货)

    Loader discharge conveyer To unload ( a vehicle or container ) .

  14. 学问便是铸器的工具。海洋运载工具动力学

    Learning is the casting mould . dynamics of marine vehicles

  15. 为水运而设计的工具。发展中水上运载工具

    A craft designed for water transportation . advance marine vehicle

  16. 铝合金运载工具轻量化及其焊接新技术的发展

    Al-alloy lighten vehicle and its development of new welding technology

  17. 中国坚决反对大规模杀伤性武器及其运载工具的扩散。

    China firmly opposes proliferation of WMD and their means of delivery .

  18. 所有三个国家被认为储存弹头和运载工具分开。

    All three countries are thought to store warheads separate from delivery vehicles .

  19. 索道钢丝绳行程记录及运载工具定位系统的设计

    Rope traveling distance recording and carriage positioning system design

  20. 运载工具的铝合金选材与焊接

    Selection and welding of aluminum alloy in vehicle

  21. 发展中水上运载工具用户识别应用发展工具

    Advance marine vehicle STK SIM TOOL KIT

  22. 运载工具导航课程教学研究与实践

    Research and Practice of the Teaching of the Course in Navigation for Means of Transportation

  23. 随着人们对交通运载工具速度的要求越来越高,高速铁路应运而生。

    With the growing demand for transport vehicle speed , high-speed railway came into being .

  24. 任何有轮子的运载工具去年道路车辆的数量成长了30%。

    The number of motor vehicles on the roads rose by 30 % last year .

  25. 资源与环境研究的新型运载工具&飞艇发展之新动向

    A new trends of the airship development as a means of delivery in resources and enviroment investigation

  26. 除了土星五号以外,它的有效载荷能力比历史上任何运载工具都大。

    It 's more payload capability than any vehicle in history , apart from the Saturn Five .

  27. 载体是供插入目的基因并将其导入宿主细胞内表达或复制的运载工具。

    Vector is a transfer tool inserting interest gene to host cell in order to duplicate or expression .

  28. 138.算术老师把艺术家的人造物品有节奏地放到运载工具里。

    138 . With rhythm , the arithmetic teacher put the artist 's artificial articles on the vehicle .

  29. 海洋运载工具动力学

    Dynamics of marine vehicles

  30. 电力机车是我国重要的运载工具,确保其安全性至关重要。

    Electric locomotive is an important means of delivery in China , to ensure its safety is essential .