
tiān tǐ shēnɡ wù xué
  • astrobiology
  1. 在九十年代后期,他帮助美国航空航天局发射的天体生物学研究所。

    In the late nineties , he helped launch the Astrobiology Institute at NASA .

  2. 天体生物学是生命科学的终极研究!

    Astrobiology is the ultimate study of life !

  3. 天体生物学的研究主题包括:生命为何?

    Some major astrobiological research topics include : What is life ?

  4. 如需美国宇航局天体生物学活动的信息,请访问

    For more information about NASA astrobiology activities , visit

  5. 于是我遇到了研究宇宙中可能存在的生命的天体生物学。

    And it kind of led me to astrobiology , which is the study of possible life in the universe .

  6. 在这个月早些时候欧洲的发现之前数周,在《天体生物学》杂志一份科学报告几天时间内都在对红侏儒星是好的候选这一观点建立起理论。

    A few weeks before the European discovery earlier this month , a scientific paper in the journal Astrobiology theorized a few days that red dwarf stars were good candidates .

  7. 好奇号是该机构自20世纪70年代维京号探测以来进行的首次天体生物学任务,其首要目的是探寻火星这颗与地球极为相似的星球是否曾蕴含可让微生物繁衍的必要元素。

    Curiosity , the space agency 's first astrobiology mission since the 1970s-era Viking probes , is designed primarily to search for evidence that the planet most similar to Earth may have once have harbored ingredients necessary for microbial life to evolve .

  8. 所以分子束技术在原子物理、分子物理以及气体激光动力学、等离子体物理、化学反应动力学,甚至在空间物理、天体物理、生物学中都有重要应用。

    Therefore , the technology of molecule beam has important appliance to molecule physics 、 gas laser dynamics 、 plasma physics 、 chemistry reaction dynamics 、 of course , to space physics 、 globe physics and biology .