
  • 网络phenomena;Astronomical Phenomena;astronomical phenomenon;Celestial event
  1. 流体变幻多端的效果常常与天文现象有惊人的相似之处。

    The fluid , ever-changing results often bear startling resemblances to astronomical phenomena .

  2. 这本书罗列了来年所有可预测天文现象,如关于行星、月球、日月食的数据。

    The book lists all predictable astronomical phenomena for the coming year , such as planetary , lunar , and eclipse data .

  3. 日食是非常引人入胜的天文现象。

    Eclipse is a very intriguing astronomic phenomenon .

  4. 乾德五年五星聚奎是宋初发生的一次真实天文现象。

    Five-planet conjunction in Kui occurred at the time of A.

  5. 这种天文现象每两年零两个月才发生一次。

    And it happens only once every two years and two months .

  6. 她教授关于天文现象的课程。

    She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon .

  7. 珈玛射线暴是目前人类发现的宇宙中能量最高的天文现象,通常认为它可以分为2类。

    Gamma-ray burst is the highest energy phenomena found by people in cosmos so far .

  8. 遇到日食,请不要惊慌,这只是正常的天文现象。

    Please do not be panic , because this is a normal astronomic phenomenon on the earth .

  9. 近期,研究者对银河系的构造表示好奇。我们的星系是非常典型的宇宙产物,还是异常的天文现象?

    Recently , researchers were curious about whether our configuration is fairly typical , or an astronomical anomaly .

  10. 食是一种天文现象,只在一个物体移动至另一物体的阴影中时才发生。

    An eclipse is an astronomical event that occurs when one object moves into the shadow of another .

  11. 各种各样的地理,生物和天文现象如今不再仅仅局限于图片和文字了。

    Various phenomena of geography , biology and astronomy are now no longer restricted to just pictures and texts .

  12. 奇异的天文现象与其他反常的、灾害性的自然现象在中国古代历来受到重视。

    Abnormal celestial events and disastrous natural phenomena were the subject that had attracted considerable attention in ancient China .

  13. 在试图了解一个天文现象的物理本质时,人们必然要力图弄清楚它的渊源。

    To try to understand the physical nature of an astronomical phenomenon , one must try to understand its parentage .

  14. 由于媒体报导及相关活动,人们对日食这一天文现象有了更多的了解。

    With the help from various media reports and relevant activities , people gained more knowledge about this astronomical phenomenon .

  15. 此类字反映出的古代天文现象大致有:岁年;

    And the astronomy phenomenon that these words reflected are : year , the ten heavenly stems and earthly Branches ;

  16. 在多年的研究和寻找之后,科学家们终于发现了这一天文现象:两个轨道极为接近的行星最终合二为一。

    But now , after years of searching , they have finally discovered the moment two closely orbiting stars became one .

  17. 由于其质量亏损而产生的能量辐射可用来解释超新星的爆发等一些天文现象。

    Energy radiation produced by mass defect can be used to explain some astronomical astronomical phenomena such as the eruption of supernova .

  18. 能够在半球形内部圆顶的内部表面投出天体图像和其他天文现象的光学仪器。

    An optical device for projecting images of celestial bodies and other astronomical phenomena onto the inner surface of a hemispherical dome .

  19. 也许我们可以归罪于反常的大气状况导致出现了海市蜃楼,或是更加稀奇的天文现象使得冰山进入了航线。

    Maybe we can fault freak atmospheric conditions that caused a mirage or an even rarer astronomical event that sent icebergs into shipping lanes .

  20. 在过去,这些天文现象被用来帮助科学家们了解太阳系的大小和行星之间的距离。

    In the past , these events were used to help scientists understand the size of the solar system and the distance between planets .

  21. 明天清晨,我们将迎来一个罕见的天文现象,月亮将遮住太阳,形成混合型日食。

    Early tomorrow morning , we 'll bring a rare celestial event , the moon will block out the sun in a hybrid solar eclipse .

  22. 各类黑洞大小差异之大,所涉及的天文现象之多,无疑使它们成为宇宙中独一无二的神秘天体。

    The wide spectrum of black holes in term of size and astronomical phenomena associated undoubtedly made them a unique mysterious celestial body of the universe .

  23. 美国纽约当地周三晚,出现曼哈顿悬日这一城市天文现象:落日完美地镶嵌在摩天大厦之间,引来纽约人惊叹不已。

    New Yorkers were wowed on Wednesday by a sunset that was perfectly framed by skyscrapers , thanks to an urban astronomical phenomenon known as Manhattanhenge .

  24. 几年前,物理学家认识到,异向介质也可以模拟天文现象,如行星绕恒星,光线被黑洞捕获等。

    A few years ago , physicists know that different to medium can also simulated astronomical phenomena , such as planets orbiting stars , light is black holes capture , etc.

  25. 这些性能是观测的关键,不仅可以发现致命的太空陨石也可以发现庞大数量的更加普遍的天文现象,从我们太阳系行星大小的物体到广泛遥远的宇宙大爆发。

    These abilities are key to discovering not only killer space rocks but huge numbers of much more common phenomena , from planet-size bodies in our solar system to far-flung cosmic cataclysms .

  26. 本周五(3月20日)将上演天文现象三合一:春分当天发生日全食,还能看到超级月亮。

    Friday , March 20 , will see an astronomical triple play when a rare total solar eclipse occurs on the same day as the vernal equinox , and a supermoon makes an appearance .

  27. 但在对主流媒体的相关新闻内容进行分析整理时,笔者发现这次日食已经不再仅仅是一个天文现象,而且还成为了一个爱情的符号。

    While collecting and analyzing the relevant news from the main stream media , however , the author finds this solar eclipse is not only reported as an astronomical event , but also promoted as a love sign .

  28. 奥尔森你说,1912年1月份这些奇异的天文现象在一起引起了大潮,大潮足以使冰川从格陵兰岛脱落,并给它们足够的浮力使它们4月前漂到航道。

    The high tide caused by the bizarre combination of astronomical events would have been enough to dislodge icebergs from Greenland in January 1912 and give them enough buoyancy to reach the shipping lanes by April , Olson said .

  29. 它是宇宙大爆炸以后最剧烈的天文爆发现象。

    They are the most violent explosions after the Big Bang .

  30. 但对于正在研究系外行星和极端天文物理现象的天文学家来说,这两个项目代表着两只监视天空的眼睛。

    But for astronomers studying exoplanets or extreme astrophysics , the new projects represent two more eyes on the sky .