
  1. 你是上帝谱写的天籁之音。

    You 're a song , written by the hands of God .

  2. 寻找美丽文化留住天籁之音&由原生态唱法引发的思考

    Seeking Beautiful Cultures and Keeping Beautiful Sounds & Thoughts From Original Singing Method

  3. 来自草原深处的天籁之音&内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团试论牧用林业在草地畜牧业持续发展中的作用

    Significance of Pastural forestry in the process of sustained development of grassland animal husbandry

  4. 这可是真正的天籁之音。

    This is the true sound of nature .

  5. 对我的耳朵来说就像是天籁之音。

    It was music to my ears .

  6. 那家伙简直是天籁之音

    The guy sings like an angel .

  7. 天籁之音,唱响主流舞台&民族地区音乐院系开设本土原生态民歌演唱课程的构想

    The Vision of Offering Authentic Folk Song Singing Courses in Music Colleges in Minority Areas

  8. 他在日出时会听到天籁之音。

    He hears music in the sunrise .

  9. 如果真如歌德所说:“建筑是凝固的音乐”,那么吴哥窟就是天籁之音。

    If as Goethe said , architecture is frozen music , then Angkor Wat is a celestial symphony .

  10. 陈翔哥哥,你知道吗?你虽没有天籁之音,但是你的声音已经打动了我们每个人的心。

    Chenxiang brother , you have no sound , but your voice has touched the hearts of everyone .

  11. 此次他们将把美妙的“天籁之音”,传遍北大的角落。

    This time they will bring the melodious " heaven 's harmony " to every corner of pku .

  12. 音乐内容包括人为演奏的音乐,自然界的天籁之音,和一些间或出现的音乐术语和符号。

    Music content included the artificial music , sounds of nature and some music terms & symbols appearing intermittently .

  13. 在钻石行业走出金融危机的恐慌之际,这将是天然钻石加工厂商耳中的天籁之音。

    That will be music to the ears of rough-diamond producers , as the industry emerges from its financial crisis funk .

  14. 眩惑,仿似天籁之音款款奏起,而我,却已分不清眼前舞动的,是透明。

    Dazzled , parody soothing sounds tender , and I began , but has not clear , transparent sight of dancing .

  15. 它是最早把天籁之音融入到美洲土著长笛和其他乐器音乐中的音乐团体之一。

    It was one of the first groups to add nature sounds to Native American flute music as well as other instruments .

  16. 他是小精灵和小淘气,他常把天籁之音和巴黎的声调和成一锅大杂烩。

    An observing urchin and a rogue , he made a potpourri of the voices of nature and the voices of Paris .

  17. 用沁人心脾的天籁之音,谱写人生的华彩乐章,这就是莱斯顿天籁之音。

    This is the sounds of nature from Luster , who composes the cadenza in life with the refreshing sounds of nature .

  18. 无论是人还是动物,都将在和谐的岁月中,聆听那最美妙的天籁之音。

    No matter what you are , you will live in a peaceful world , listen to the most beautiful sound of nature .

  19. 倾听那天籁之音,那么你所有愚蠢的恐惧感和小小的嫉妒心都会消失,这个世界的自然之美帮助我们去追求和寻找心灵的善良之美。

    Listen to sweet music , and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away . The beauty of the world helps us to seek and find the beauty of goodness .

  20. 因此,梅州客家山歌的艺术风格、修辞方法、章法结构都留有十五国风以及迁徙途经的江南吴音印迹。来自草原深处的天籁之音&内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团

    The paper thinks that there are many marks of fifteen nations ' folk songs and Jiangnan 's songs of Wu in folk songs Hakka folk songs of Meizhou , just as artistic style , the rhetoric and structure of these songs . SONGS FROM THE GRASSLAND

  21. 乐器是人与自然天人合一的产物,先民们用独到的智慧观察大自然,领悟大自然,用身边的器物模仿天籁之音,历经千万年的探索从而形成了一款款美妙、精巧的乐器。

    Musical instruments are the integrative product of man and nature . Ancestors observe and experience nature with the special wisdom , and the wonderful sound of nature is combined with things around us . After running-in of thousands of years , kinds of fine instruments are formed .