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tiān mìng
  • destiny;fate;the mandate of heaven;God's will;kismet;law of nature;natural law;natural span of life;one's allotted span
天命 [tiān mìng]
  • (1) [God's will;destiny;fate]∶指上天的意志;也指上天主宰之下的人们的命运

  • 乐夫天命复奚疑。--晋. 陶渊明《归去来兮辞》

  • 虽曰天命。--宋. 欧阳修《新五代史.伶官传》

  • (2) [law of nature;natural law]∶自然的规律、法则

  • (3) [natural span of life;one's allotted span]∶人的自然寿命;天年

天命[tiān mìng]
  1. 中国古代法律多以“妖言”罪名钳制思想,严厉打击妄言天命行为。

    The law of ancient China punished heresy idea with the crime of " Yao Yan " and severely struck at any nonsense about God 's will .

  2. 天命、国运与预言

    God 's Will , State 's Fate and Predictions

  3. 他的统治乃是天命。

    His rule was ordained by heaven

  4. 尽管我已经快到了知天命的岁数,但记忆却不那么糟糕。

    I may be almost 50 , but there 's not a lot of things I 've forgotten

  5. 天命不慆久矣。

    Long has there been no doubt of Heaven 's mandate .

  6. 呜呼!盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉?(欧阳修《新五代史》)

    Alas for the law of prosperity and decline ! although regarded as heaven 's decree , is it not truly the handiwork of men ?

  7. 人纵有万般能耐,终也敌不过天命。

    No matter how resourceful you are , you can 't fight fate .

  8. 这是概念的基础上,天命。

    This is based on the concept of Mandate of Heaven .

  9. 夏商时代的天命观念及其文化形态

    The Destiny Concept of Xia-Shang Period and Culture Conformation of It

  10. 意外死亡是天命法则之外的一个例外。

    Accidental death is the exception to the law of destiny .

  11. “这么说我们已是天命所归咯?”候恩说。

    " We 've become destiny , eh ?" hearn said .

  12. 天命论与中国古代哲学

    The theory of the mandate of heaven and the Chinese ancient philosophy

  13. 但他的天命还不止于此。

    His destiny , however , is not yet fulfilled .

  14. 我和仙人球负责天命山脊。

    Me and cactus flower will ride on up to Destiny Ridge .

  15. 就是说你打算让我们接受天命。

    So , you will leave us to our fate .

  16. 我们都得安于天命。

    We must all accept our portion in life .

  17. 接受天命是我们给这个世界最好的礼物。

    Embracing our destiny is the best gift we can give the world .

  18. 其二,诗人之天命。

    Second , it is the destiny of poets .

  19. 孔子天命观的现代阐释

    A Modern Interpretation of Confucian 's Tian Ming Idea

  20. 论儒家天命信仰中的普世价值

    On the Universal Value in the Confucian Belief in the Mandate of Heaven

  21. 他妻子死后,他顺应天命安于孤独的晚年。

    After his wife died he resigned himself to a lonely old age .

  22. 我是天命骑士之一。

    I'am the one horseman of the Apocalypse .

  23. 由于任何女人都只是女人,不是天命。

    Because any woman is just a woman , she is not an angle .

  24. 天命信仰嬗变视野中的孔子天命思想

    Confucius ' Heavenly Order Conception from the Perspective of Changes in Heavenly Order Belief

  25. 带领他的国家朝向自由是那位伟人的天命。

    It was the great man 's destiny to lead his country to freedom .

  26. 杀掉它们,你是在为实现天命作准备。

    By killing them you prepare the way for the fulfilment of the destiny .

  27. 到五十,我能知道什么是天命了。

    At fifty , I knew my destiny .

  28. 然而,她的民族却是个天命不可知、命不可违的民族。

    Yet her race was a race with the vagaries and implacability of fate .

  29. 天命注定他们都要死去。

    Fate decreed that they should all die .

  30. 上古时期天命观的起源与演变

    The Historical Origin and Development of Fate View