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  • 网络Hanshi Day;Hanshi Festival;the cold food festival
  1. 在我国的传统岁时节日中,寒食节是一个充满禁忌色彩的节日,寒食节以其奇特的寒食习俗吸引了古今中外学者们的关注。

    In our traditional festivals , the Cold Food Festival is a festival of the taboo color , the Cold Food Festival attracts the attention of Chinese and foreign scholars with its peculiar customs .

  2. 随着时间的推移,寒食节被清明扫墓所代替了。

    Over time , Hanshi Day was replaced with tomb-sweeping day .

  3. 与“寒食节”起源相关的一个故事

    A Legend Related to the Origin of the Cold Food Day

  4. 寒食节即来源于此。

    From this comes Hanshi Day , or Cold Food Day .

  5. 这便是“寒食节”的由来。

    This , then , is the origin of Cold Food Day .

  6. 寒食节通常是在清明节前一天。

    The Hanshi ( Cold Food ) Festival was usually one day before the Qingming Festival .

  7. 这是寒食节产生的原因。

    This is how han - shi , the Cold Food Day , came into being .

  8. 清明节前的一两天被称作“寒食节”,这个时间是不准吃热的食物的。

    One or two days before the Qingming Festival were designated as " cold food days ", during which hot cooking is banned .

  9. 为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。

    To commemorate Jie , the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie 's death .

  10. 另一种寒食节时吃的传统食物是“精制绿饭团”,它是甜绿饭团的另一种做法。

    Another traditional food during the " cold food days " is " refined green rice ", which is a variation of the sweet green rice ball .

  11. 汉魏六朝时,流行在寒食节吃粥,这在《荆楚岁时记》里就有记载。

    During the Han , Wei and Six Dynasties , porridge was a popular food for the Cold-Food Festival , which was recorded in Jingchu Suishiji ( Festivals in the Jingchu Area ) .

  12. 相传这是因为寒食节要寒食禁火,为了防止寒食冷餐伤身,所以大家来参加一些体育活动,以锻炼身体。

    Legend This is because the Ching Ming Festival to Cool Food Ban fire , in order to prevent the Cold Food Observancebuffet , so everyone to take part in a number of sports to physical activity .

  13. 第五章从总体上概括了宋代之前上巳、寒食、清明节的流传地域并分析了关于这几个节日的文学中体现的地域差异。

    In the chapter V , I generalize the spreading regions of the festivals of Shangsi , Hanshi and Qingming before Song dynasty and analyse the difference in the related literature creations .