
hán liú
  • cold current;cold wave
寒流 [hán liú]
  • (1) [cold current]

  • (2) 从高纬度流向低纬度的洋流。寒流的水温比它所到区域的水温低,能使经过的地方气温下降,少雨

  • (3) 寒潮

寒流[hán liú]
  1. 零售商抵御消费市场寒流的营销方略

    Marketing Strategies of Retailers Resisting Cold Current of Consumption Market

  2. 寒流降温作用下混凝土温度场传递特性分析

    Analysis of concrete field transfer property under cold current lowering temperature effect

  3. 例句今年年初有一股寒流。

    There was a cold snap at the start of the year .

  4. 当时的天气本来非常适合种植粮食,但突如其来的寒流却危害到了庄稼。

    The weather had been perfect for growing food , but the sudden cold snap threatened the crops .

  5. 天气预报员说有一股寒流正向我们袭来,所以我们或许应该推迟度假安排。

    The weather forecaster said that a cold snap is heading our way , so we should probably postpone1 our holiday .

  6. 去年11月,在遭受寒流袭击以及降雪提前出现之后,中国增加了液化天然气(LNG)进口量,以缓解各地的天然气短缺问题。

    In November , China ramped up imports of liquefied natural gas to alleviate widespread natural gas shortages after a cold spell in November and an unusually early snowfall .

  7. 本文为了研究更为深入和实践意义,将研究题目确定为低薪寒流背景下大学生就业培训研究&基于STC视角。

    In order to achieve a thoroughly and practical aim of the research , the paper topic identified as students employment training and research in the background of cold low-Paid & perspective on STC .

  8. WMO秘书长MichelJarraud表示,世界许多地方都经历了洪涝,严重且持续的干旱,暴风雪,热浪和寒流等极端天气。

    WMO Secretary-General Michel Jarraud said climate extremes , including devastating floods , severe and persistent droughts , snowstorms , heat waves and cold waves , were recorded in many parts of the world .

  9. LGM时期墨西哥湾暖流和北大西洋暖流的减弱以及拉布拉多寒流的增强,使得向北热量传输的减少,从而导致了SST的剧烈下降,同时也导致了海冰的扩展。

    The weaker Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift and stronger Labrador Current during LGM could lead to the decrease in oceanic northward heat transport , resulting in the strong cooling of the SST and the increase in the sea ice concentration .

  10. 寒流袭击北部城市,东部城市暴风雪缓解。

    Cold front to hit N.China , blizzard eased in east .

  11. 我们可以推迟到寒流过去之后。

    We can put it off till the cold spell is over .

  12. 寒流期间池塘都封冻了。

    The pond ( was ) iced over during the cold spell .

  13. 内布拉斯加州的寒流也将气温降到同一水平。

    The wind chill in Nebraska is nearly there already .

  14. 一股强寒流正在影响中国大部分地区。

    A strong cold front is affecting most of China .

  15. 就像第一场冬季的寒流,暗示着一场巨大的迁徙。

    Like the first blush of winter that signals a great migration .

  16. 在那穿过你四肢的最后寒流中

    in that final flowing of cold through your limbs

  17. 不知到寒流什么时候过去。

    I wonder when the cold spell will pass .

  18. 听说寒流要来了。

    B : We 're going to have cold spell , I hear .

  19. 中西部地区的居民正在准备迎接另一场冬季寒流的来袭。

    Residents in the Midwest are getting ready for another blast of winter .

  20. 今天晚上会有寒流来。

    There 's a chill in the air tonight .

  21. 去年有一场使我们的果物产量遭到损失的大寒流。

    We had a serious cold snap last year that damaged the fruit crop .

  22. 这群沙丁鱼被寒流赶到了浅水域

    The shoal has been driven into the shallows by a cold ocean current .

  23. 美国中西部地区即将遭受另一股极地寒流的侵袭,气温将大幅下降。

    Another arctic blast is about to turn the Midwestern US into an icebox .

  24. 寒流正在发威呢!

    This cold front is taking its toll !

  25. 平流层的变化能引发讨人厌的寒流

    Stratospheric changes can lead to nasty cold snaps

  26. 商标抢注寒流袭击中国企业

    Cold wave of trademark registration attack Chinese enterprises

  27. 在这次寒流中,许多老人因低体温而无谓地死去了。

    In this current cold spell , many old people are dying needlessly of hypothermia .

  28. 一个从来没有过的寒流。

    An Arctic cold as never before .

  29. 周二,似乎漫长无际的冬季寒流仍继续徘徊在大西洋中部和美国东北部地区。

    The seemingly endless winter continued in some parts of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast Tuesday .

  30. 终于有一天,预示严冬即将来临的第一阵寒流侵袭了城市。

    There came a day when the first premonitory blast of winter swept over the city .