
nuǎn liú
  • warm current
暖流 [nuǎn liú]
  • [warm current] 水温高于周围海水的海流,通常自低纬流向高纬,水温沿途逐渐降低,对沿途气候有增温、增湿作用

暖流[nuǎn liú]
  1. 冬季因受黄海暖流及水体垂直混合的影响,此海域表现为大气CO2的强源区。

    This area is affected by the Warm Current of Yellow Sea in winter , and it is saturated to the atmosphere CO2 .

  2. 钙质超微化石分异度DH以及主要化石种相对百分含量的高值区的主轴线的走向与现代黄海暖流的流路密切相关。

    The trend of the main axis of the high-value area of the Shannon-Wiener Index ( D_H ) and the relative Content ( % ) of the principal calcareous nannofossil is closely related to the flow way of the warm current of the Huanghai Sea .

  3. 我心中涌起一股幸福的暖流。

    A wave of happiness flooded me

  4. 听了她的一番劝慰,一股暖流涌上我的心头。

    Her soothing words left a glow in my heart .

  5. 厄尔尼诺现象发生时,过去几年在西太平洋聚集的暖流会在常年的西风减弱时流回东边,有时也会反过来。

    El Nifio sees warm water , collected over several years in the western Pacific , flow back eastwards when winds that normally blow westwards weaken , or sometimes the other way round .

  6. 一股幸福的暖流流遍她的全身。

    A gust of happiness swept through her .

  7. 此按钮将无法修复丢失黄海暖流,CCC认证,全国人大证书。

    This button will not repair missing HWC , CCC , NPC certificates .

  8. 另外,在这支上面提到的海流路径上31°N附近有时会出现逆流,这主要受对马暖流流入朝鲜海峡的流量大小控制。

    Sometimes a countercurrent appears on the path of the above mentioned current near 31 ° N , which is mainly controled by the flow of the Tsushima Current passing through the Korea Strait .

  9. 对马暖流为在黑潮主干西侧沿100~200m等深线流动的一支海流与黄海大陆沿岸流的混合。

    The Tsushima is a mixture of the current flowing along the 100-200m isobath on the west side of the Kuroshio and the coastal current in the Yellow Sea .

  10. 台湾暖流和黑潮爬升水的阻隔作用使得冬季和夏季陆架悬浮体在P-N断面也基本不能扩散至陆架边缘。

    The most shelf suspended matter in Section P-N also can not almost be transported to the shelf margin in winter and summer because of the obstruction of the TWC and climbing water of the Kuroshio Current .

  11. LGM时期墨西哥湾暖流和北大西洋暖流的减弱以及拉布拉多寒流的增强,使得向北热量传输的减少,从而导致了SST的剧烈下降,同时也导致了海冰的扩展。

    The weaker Gulf Stream and North Atlantic Drift and stronger Labrador Current during LGM could lead to the decrease in oceanic northward heat transport , resulting in the strong cooling of the SST and the increase in the sea ice concentration .

  12. 另外一个环境因素是墨西哥暖流的影响。

    Another environmental factor is the character of the Gulf Stream .

  13. 暖流的形成取决于淡水与盐份间的微妙平衡

    The current depends upon a balance of salt and freshwater .

  14. 南海暖流研究回顾

    A review of study on the South China Sea warm current

  15. 我的模型是根据史前时代暖流迁移而重建的

    My model is a reconstruction of a prehistoric climate shift .

  16. 台湾暖流区底层流观测

    The observation of bottom current in the area of Taiwan warm current

  17. 关于黄海暖流某些特征的分析

    Analysis on some characteristics of the warm current in the Yellow Sea

  18. 台湾暖流起源的研究

    A study on the origin of the Taiwan warm current

  19. 一股爱情的暖流使他立刻认出了那女孩子。

    That he recognized by the electric sympathy of love ;

  20. 北大西洋暖流直接影响北半球气候。

    The Northern Hemisphere owes its climate to the North Atlantic Current .

  21. 那股暖流不断向外漫溢,直至流遍四肢。

    The warmth spread outwards till it reached his extremities .

  22. 气候是温和的因为西方来的暖流。

    The climate is mild because the warm air from the West .

  23. 夏季南海暖流与黑潮南海分支关系初步分析

    On relationship between warm current and Kuroshio branch in South China Sea

  24. 2003年度东海暖流的分析

    The warm currents in the East China Sea in the year of 2003

  25. 而一旦墨西哥湾暖流完全停止活动,欧洲将进入新的冰河世纪。

    Without the Gulf Stream , Europe would enter into another ice age .

  26. 日本洋暖流流经海岸。

    The warm Japanese Current flows past the coast .

  27. 一股可人的暖流渐渐熏得全身舒畅了。

    A joyous warmth began to relax his body .

  28. 而对马暖流的季节变化,局地强迫和遥强迫都起着重要作用。

    Both local and remote forcings play important roles in the seasonal variation .

  29. 台湾暖流深层水变化特征的分析

    An analysis of variational characteristics of the deep water of Taiwan warm current

  30. 我读过您有关海洋暖流的文章。

    I 've read your work on ocean currents .