- warm sector

On a cumulus convection process in the pre frontal warm sector over Taiwan area
Analysis of mesoscale convective systems associated with a warm sector heavy rainfall event over South China
The long axis in positive value area of 500 hPa helicity is consistent with the causing severe convective warm area ′ s weak shear and moving towards of radar band echo ;
But at mid-and-high level , there was a warm region .
Research into winter warm region in Hunan Province
Numerical Simulation and Analysis on a Heavy Rain Process in the Warm Sector in Guangxi
Numerical Simulation of Mesoscale System of a Rain Storm in Warm Section of Southern China
The second is the reason and indexes for the division of winter warm region .
A study on the occurrence and development of extremely heavy rain mesoscale system in warm region
A study of meso - β scale model : the experimental simulation of the meso-scale structures generating in Frontogenesis
There were the heavy rainfalls happening in warm sector ahead of the front in South China during the pre-rainy season .
A comparative study of a frontal and a non-frontal convective systems But the forward made a foul in the penalty area .
The numerical results revealed that the increase of SST would cause the changes of the mid-latitude jet stream and low-latitude westerly wind .
A Study of Circumstances of Meso - β - Scale Systems of Strong Heavy Rainfall in Warm Sector Ahead of Fronts in South China
The results are presented of a comprehensive observational analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of precipitation within the warm sector of a quasi-stationary front in South China .
The analysis further indicates that typhoons tend to move along the axis line of warm area of deep tropospheric layer in the direction of the thermal wind .
When increasing the temperature in low-layer warm area of the cold wave front , the strength of cold wave is increased , the wind strength increased overall wind field .
The strong and stable west Pacific high pressure and the warm zones in the middle troposphere are the major causes of the stable track and quick movement of the typhoon .
Heavy rainfall occurred in the warm area , and maximum rainfall lay in the windward slope where the width of raindrop size distribution was broadened and sometimes it was bimodal spectrum .
The heavy fogs of Shangqiu are formed by the weather situations : continental anticyclone , warm zone in front of cold front , uniform pressure field , and low pressure with an inverted trough .
The fluctuations of the average diameter of raindrops in the warm sector are larger than those in the cold sector , which is related to the inhomogeneity of the cloud system structure and convection in the cloud .
When the low-level south-west jet stream is very moist , mesoscale convective systems can develop ahead of the wind speed maximum , in the warm sector of Changjiang-Huaihe-River cyclone where the potential stability tends to remain negative .
The emigratory areas in the northward migrating process in spring-summer are located in the warm sector of warm low on surface and in partial southern air stream on 850 mb isobaric chart , especially in the region controlled by SW air stream .
They occupy 2 (?) . 62 percent of the whole provincial land , of which the first grade winter warm region is 3.41 % , the second , 6.83 % , the third , 10.07 % and the fourth , 6.71 % .
Through synthetic analysis of stratus cloud systems , stratus precipitation concept model has been primarily established . It was well known that the main process of precipitation formation was collecting cloud water in the warm area and ice phase particles melting in the cold area .
During the process of stratiformis precipitation , the raindrop spectra in the warm sector evolves from a wide spectra double-peak pattern to a narrow spectra single-peak one , while the raindrop spectra in the cold sector changes from a wide spectra single-peak pattern to a narrow spectra single-peak one .
It is also found that the variation of WEWP SST is positively correlated with the equatorial northern Indian Ocean and the west wind drift of the southern Indian Ocean .
Based on the SST data , the temporal and spatial variations of SSTA in Western Pacific Warm Pool region have been analyzed in this paper by means of EOF .
The research results show that the annual change of the vertical distribution of the ocean temperature in the West Pacific warm pool region is notable and particularly that in subsurface layers ( 120 ~ 200 m ) is most obvious .
Moreover , the character , intensity and location of the anomalous heating resource of the warm pool in the tropical Pacific are key factors controlling the major mode of the TBO of summer rainfalls in China .