
  1. 气候为海洋性暖温带湿润季风气候向温带大陆性干旱气候过渡;

    And its climate transites from marine warm temperate damp monsoon zone to contential temperate arid zone ;

  2. 它地处中原腹地,位于中国南北生态、气候的分界带中,处于我国南方雨量丰沛和北方干旱少雨的过渡地带,属暖温带半湿润季风气候区。

    This area belongs to warm temperate zone and semi-clouding monsoon section which is the boundary of zoology and climate in north and south China , and is the transition belt of precipitation rain fall in north and south .

  3. 山东省位于中国东部沿海,地处黄河下游,属于暖温带湿润和半湿润季风气候。

    Shandong province is located in eastern coast of China , and in the lower of Yellow River . The climate of Shandong Province is warm temperate humid and semi-humid monsoon .

  4. 新华区地处黑龙港流域,是华北冲击平原,地势低平,气候温和,属暖温带半湿润大陆性季风气候。

    Black Dragon River is located in Hong Kong , Xinhua District , is the impact of the North China plain , low and flat , mild climate , is a warm temperate semi-humid continental monsoon climate .