
  • 网络warm season
  1. 暖季草覆盖占48%至73%,在全部现场柳枝稷(Panicumvirgatum)是暖季草占优势,其植被覆盖度从48%到56%。

    Warm season grasses accounted for 48 to 73 percent of the ground cover . Switchgrass ( Panicum virgatum ) was the dominant warm season species at all sites , with vegetative cover values ranging from 48 to more than 56 percent .

  2. 暖季型草坪草营养体建坪方法的研究

    Vegetative Establishment Methods of Warm Season Turf

  3. 全球顶级科学家预测,在未来几十年里,暖季将变得更长,冷季将更短,同时极端高温等极端天气将变得更加频繁。

    The world 's leading scientists have projected that in the coming decades , there would be increasing heat waves , longer warm seasons and shorter cold seasons .

  4. INS、T4和T3浓度在暖季表现出与牧草营养供应基本同步一致的变化规律,与机体加强合成代谢有关。

    The concentrations of INS , T 4 and T 3 were in consistent with the grass nutrient supplement in warm seasons and implied to enhance the synthetic processes .

  5. 它的动力、热力结构,降水分布,以及发生、发展过程等,都与暖季(3&9月)在美国中部频繁出现的中尺度对流复合体(MCC)十分相似。

    Furthermore , they are similar to the mesoscale convective complex ( MCC ), which appears frequently in the central part of the United States during the warm season ( March to September ), in the thermal structure , distribution of precipitation and the process of generation and development .

  6. 结果表明,暖季粒径为5~8cm的碎石层热屏蔽作用要好于片石层,而冷季粒径为40~50cm的片石层对流作用要强于碎石层。

    In warm season , the action of heat-shield on the ballast with diameters of 5-8 cm is better than that with diameters of 40-50 cm . In cold season , the action of convection is stronger than that with diameters of 5-8 cm .

  7. 麦洼牦牛暖季补饲育肥效果研究

    Finishing Effect of Maiwa Yak by Supply Feed in Warm Season

  8. 暖季在山区有极丰富的地形云资源和优越的降水条件;

    There are abundant topography cloud resource and ascendant precipitation conditions ;

  9. 低温胁迫对两种暖季型草坪草叶片细胞超微结构的影响

    Effect of chilling on leaf cellular ultrastructure of two summer-lawn gasses

  10. 深圳市公园绿地暖季型草坪春夏季杂草的调查

    Investigation of weeds on warm season turf in Shenzhen , China

  11. 暖季型和冷季型草种的草坪质量在季节上存在明显差异。

    Lawn quality of warm-season and cool-season species had obvious seasonal difference .

  12. 几个暖季型草种的播种试验

    Test on Seeding for Several Warm-season Types of Grass Species

  13. 结果表明,不同暖季型饲草营养成分含量存在明显差异;

    The results showed there was obvious difference among different warm season forage .

  14. 高寒草地暖季肥育牦牛肉质特性研究

    Meat Quality Characteristics of Finished Yaks in High Pasture During the Warm Season

  15. 几种暖季型草坪草在成都的引种适应性研究

    Study on the adaptability of several warm - season turf grass in Chengdu

  16. 暖季型草坪草对高温胁迫的生理响应

    Physiological response of warm-season turf-grass to high temperature stress

  17. 四种暖季型禾草对水分胁迫的生理响应

    Physiological Responses to Drought Stress of Warm-Season Forage Grasses

  18. 暖季放牧犊牦牛对高寒草甸地区人工草地的影响

    Effect of yak grazing in warm season on perennial artificial grassland in alpine meadow

  19. 暖季型草坪草的引种与评价

    Introduction and evaluation of warm season turf grass

  20. 缙云山林地和裸地土壤释汞通量存在明显的季节性差异,暖季林地和裸地土壤释汞通量均明显高于冷季。

    Hg emission of warm season was significantly higher than that of the cold season .

  21. 生长调节剂在暖季型草坪中的研究应用

    Growth regulators and warm - season turf

  22. 蒸散随季节呈现规律性变化。冷季型草坪草蒸散量在5月份最大,而暖季型草坪草蒸散量则在8月份最大。

    The evapotranspiration of the warm-season turf is more than that of the cool-season turf .

  23. 暖季放牧条件下对羔羊采食量、消化及体增重的研究

    The Study on Intake , Digestion and Body Weight Gain of Grazing Lambs in Warm-season

  24. 高寒地区暖季草场放牧牦牛的生产性能及其土壤养分变化

    Study on Grazing Yak Performance and Soil Nutrient Changes in Warm-season Pastures of Alpine Region

  25. 新疆暖季天然草场放牧羔羊生长发育的研究

    The Study on Growth and Development of Grazing Lambs in Warm-season Natural Grassland of Xinjiang

  26. 培养床法露地快速优质生产暖季型草皮技术研究

    The techniques of the fast and high quality product warm style turf in open culture bed

  27. 青藏高原人工草地暖季不同放牧方式对牦牛增重的影响

    Effect of grazing perennial artificial grassland in warm-season on gain of Yak calves in the Alpine Meadow

  28. 暖季放牧羔羊体内15种血清生化指标和13种激素变化规律的研究

    Regularity for Changes of 15 Biochemical Indicators and 13 Hormones in Serum of Grazing Lambs in Warm-season

  29. 温度周期性变化导致冻土在寒季冻胀,暖季融化沉陷。

    Cyclical change of temperature leads to permafrost heaving in cold season and thawing settlement in warm season .

  30. 但是,热棒路基在暖季和寒季均有裂缝产生。

    But , the thermal probe subgrade can give rise to cracks both in warm and cold seasons .