
shuǐ tiān xiāng jiē
  • Sky and water merge at the horizon;Sea and sky merged into one;The water appeared to stretch endlessly to the horizon;The water receives the sky
水天相接[shuǐ tiān xiāng jiē]
  1. 金色的晴空之下,金色的大海铺开明镜,水天相接,一线阴影。

    The golden sea its mirror spreads Beneath the golden skies , And but a narrow strip between Of land and shadow lies .

  2. 只见水天相接处不时从翻滚的深海里窜出巨浪,庆深气田防气窜封堵液及水泥浆体系研究

    The waves on the horizon , caught at intervals above the rolling abyss , Research on Blocking Solution Against Gas-Migration and Cement Slurry in Qingshen Gas Field