
  • 网络Australian Bureau of Meteorology;Australia's Bureau of Meteorology
  1. 该图表显示了澳大利亚气象局如何收集最新天气信息。

    The diagram shows how the Australian Bureau of Meteorology collects up-to-the-minute information on the weather .

  2. 澳大利亚气象局说大雾是由悉尼城市上面连续两天的陆上风和高压引起的。

    Australia 's Bureau of Meteorology says the fog was caused by two days of onshore winds and high pressure over the city .

  3. 周三,澳大利亚气象局表示系统可以正常运行。

    It said on Wednesday its systems were fully operational .

  4. 澳大利亚气象局有澳大利亚最大的巨型计算机,称他们不会对安全问题做出任何回应。

    The BoM , which owns one of Australia 's largest supercomputers , said it would not comment on security matters .

  5. 澳大利亚气象局还会提供其他服务,例如提供给运输飞机和货船的天气信息、本国的供水分析、收集天气信息及同国防部门的紧密合作。

    Among other services , the BoM provides climate information for commercial airlines and shipping , analyses national water supplies , gathers climate information and works closely with the defence department .

  6. 澳大利亚国家气象局的科学家们也认为很可能会出现厄尔尼诺现象。

    Researchers at Australia 's Bureau of Meteorology agree that an El Nino event is likely .