
yún zhù
  • cloud column
云柱 [yún zhù]
  • [cloud column] 原子武器爆炸时,从爆炸中心向上延伸成蘑菇状的烟云柱

云柱[yún zhù]
  1. 本文试图从火山学角度来探讨其原型,提出了新的假说:扶桑即火山云柱。

    In this article , I try to examine the original model ofthe Fusang in terms of volcanology , and to eduance a new hypothsesis that the Fusang is the volcanic cloud column .

  2. 直到进入应许之地,云柱和火柱总不离开。

    The pillars never left until they entered the promised land .

  3. 看,他们前面的云柱动了起来!

    Oh , but now that pillar of cloud is moving !

  4. 在他们前面带领他们的云柱就是在提醒他们。

    The pillar of cloud was right there to remind them !

  5. 可是,他们前面的云柱又动了起来,他们又必须启程了。

    But the cloud is moving again , and so must they .

  6. 又如火柱夜间引路,云柱白日标志。

    Pillar of fire , through watches dark , Or radiant cloud by day ;

  7. 云柱和火柱,这些神迹都表明了什麽?

    What do the pillar of the cloud and the pillar of fire mean ?

  8. 在民数记,他是白日的云柱,夜间的火柱。

    He is the pillar of cloud , of fire by day and night in numbers .

  9. 云柱在向北方的加底斯移动,从那里过去,就是神应许给以色列人的迦南地。

    Now the cloud led north to Kadesh on the border of Canaan , the Promised Land !

  10. 我们要离开西乃山的旷野,因为云柱又在动了。

    We 're leaving the wilderness around Mount Sinai , because we see the pillar of cloud is moving on !

  11. 耶和华在会幕里云柱中显现、云柱停在会幕门以上。

    And the LORD was seen in the tent in a pillar of cloud resting by the door of the tent .

  12. 他在云柱中对他们说话。他们遵守他的法度,和他所赐给他们的律例。

    He spake unto them in the cloudy pillar : they kept his testimonies , and the ordinance that he gave them .

  13. 在此洞穴里,高大的云柱、由黯淡尘埃组成的圆形云球、冷分子气体云仍留在“正在形成恒星”的区域。

    In this cavity tall pillars and round globules of dark dust and cold molecular gas remain where stars are still forming .

  14. 日间云柱,夜间火柱,总不离开百姓的面前。

    Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people .

  15. 云柱使埃及军队那边成为黑暗,却对着以色列人这一边发光!

    The pillar of cloud became darkness to the Egyptian army , and yet on the Hebrew side it gave light to the people !

  16. 在必需的时候,我们也能得到云柱和火柱的引领。

    Press on ! If necessary , we will find even the pillar of cloud and fire to mark our journey through the wilderness .

  17. 耶和华在云柱中降临,站在会幕门口,召亚伦和米利暗,二人就出来了。

    Then the LORD came down in a pillar of cloud ; he stood at the entrance to the tent and summoned Aaron and Miriam .

  18. 摩西进会幕的时候,云柱降下来,立在会幕的门前,耶和华便与摩西说话。

    As Moses went into the tent , the pillar of cloud would come down and stay at the entrance , while the Lord spoke with Moses .

  19. 这次,云柱领他们到了一个地方叫以琳,在那里有十二股清凉的泉水,七十棵可爱的棕树,真舒服!

    This time the pillar of cloud led them to a place called Elim , where there were 12 wells of good water and 70 lovely palm trees .

  20. 照片中,韦塞尔一身夏日休闲打扮,穿着宽松的短裤,戴着太阳镜,在一场身处可怕的云柱背景下,完全不紧张。

    In it , the sockless Mr Wessels , dressed leisurely in summer shorts and sunglasses , is seen in mid-stride , utterly unflustered by the calamitous column of cloud .

  21. 如果你知道主耶稣是你的救主,虽然你看不见云柱在带领你,但要记住,是神在掌管你生活中的一切!

    If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour , even though you can 't see a pillar of cloud guiding you , remember God is in control of your life !

  22. 一个基督人如果已经确实知到是神将他放在他的地位上的,他千万不可以轻易活动;直到云柱移动了,他才可以移动这是极重要的。

    It is a vital principle of guidance for a Christian never to move out of the place in which he is sure God has placed him , until thePillar of Cloud moves .

  23. 出埃及记13:21节告诉我们:白天,神在云柱中领他们的路,晚上,神在火柱中光照他们。

    Exodus 13 : 21 says , And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud , to lead them the way ; and by night in a pillar of fire , to give them light .

  24. 出埃及记第14章19节说:“在以色列营前行走神的使者,转到他们后边去。”云柱使埃及军队那边成为黑暗,却对着以色列人这一边发光!

    Exodus 14 : 19 says that the angel of God also removed and went behind them . The pillar of cloud became darkness to the Egyptian army , and yet on the Hebrew side it gave light to the people !

  25. 日间,耶和华在云柱中领他们的路;夜间,在火柱中光照他们,使他们日夜都可以行走。

    By day the LORD went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light , so that they could travel by day or night .

  26. 他引导我的方式就像引领旷野中的以色列人一样,日间(当我觉得光明充满应许的希望时)用云柱;夜间(当我失败和失落时)用火柱。

    The way he led me is just like how he led the Israelites in the desert , with the pillar of cloud by day , when I felt bright and promising ; and the pillar of fire by night , when I failed and dismayed .

  27. 基于不完整点云数据的3D柱状模型快速重建

    Reconstruction of 3D pillars based on incomplete point cloud data

  28. 在西南边的天际,一股不祥的云涌现出来,并在逐渐接近的过程中形成云柱,顶部向外扩散形成铁毡样形状。

    On the horizon to the southwest , ominous-looking clouds begin to appear . The towers build as they draw closer , the tops spreading out into an anvil shape .