
  • 网络Australia museum;the Australian Museum
  1. 澳大利亚博物馆的马克·埃尔德里奇博士告诉BBC,雄袋鼠想把雌袋鼠托起来,其实是想与她交配。

    Dr Mark Eldridge at the Australian Museum told the BBC the male kangaroo was trying to lift the female in order to mate with her .

  2. 澳大利亚博物馆资金结构的初步分析

    The Preliminary Analysis of Capital Structure of Australian Museum

  3. 他与澳大利亚博物馆合作发现了新品种。

    His collaboration with the Australian Museum led to the discovery of a new species .

  4. 据澳大利亚博物馆表示,澳大利亚虎鲨身长通常不到一米,对人类来说并无威胁。

    Port Jackson sharks usually measure less than a metre and are not dangerous to humans , according to the Australian Museum .

  5. 在瓶子里面,她发现了一卷用德文印制的纸张,日期为1886年6月12日,这得到了西澳大利亚博物馆的认证。

    Inside , she found a roll of paper printed in German and dated to 12 June 1886 , which was authenticated by the Western Australian Museum .

  6. 上周四,中国颇受欢迎的传统相声演员郭德纲与澳大利亚国家博物馆(NWA)签署了一份协议书,成为了该博物馆在中国的文化大使。在澳大利亚国家博物馆举行的签字仪式上,郭德纲表示自己很荣幸能够担任这个角色。

    Guo Degang , a popular Chinese traditional crosstalk performer , signed a letter of agreement last Thursday with the National Museum of Australia ( NWA ) to become the museum 's cultural ambassador in China . At the signing ceremony held at the NWA , Guo said he was honored to take the role .

  7. 隐喻的表现&澳大利亚国家博物馆的双重话语

    Metaphoric Expressiveness : Literal and Abstract Metaphors at National Museum of Australia

  8. 澳大利亚国家博物馆馆长马修·特林卡表示,他在郭德纲对中国传统艺术的热爱,以及澳大利亚国家博物馆致力于推广澳大利亚传统艺术的热情中找到了共同点。

    NWA Director Mathew Trinca said he found common ground in Guo 's love of traditional Chinese art and his museum 's enthusiasm in promoting Australia 's traditional art .

  9. 根据该协议,郭德纲将推动澳大利亚国家博物馆在中国的节目,其中第一项是将于今年7月开始在中国巡回演出的大型树皮画展。

    Under the agreement , Guo will promote the NMA 's programs in China , the first of which will be a major exhibition of bark paintings on tour in China starting from July this year .

  10. 在澳大利亚,所有的博物馆和公园向民众免费开放。

    In Australia all the museums and parks are free for people .

  11. 您也应该到塔龙加动物园和悉尼水族馆去看看澳大利亚所特有动物。还有,您也应该到澳大利亚博物馆去了解一下澳大利亚文化。

    But you should also check out the native Aussie wildlife in the Taronga Zoo and the Sydney Aquarium and get a dose of down under culture at the Australia museum .