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  • 网络warm stomach;warm the stomach
  1. 在六大类茶中,尤其是普洱茶更能体现出中庸之道,茶性不偏不倚,既能暖胃,又能清肠利便,所以老少皆宜。

    In the six categories of tea , especially tea to better reflect the moderation , tea impartial , both warm stomach , but also to facilitate bowel , so all ages .

  2. 他们吃馅饼和暖胃的比赛食物。

    They consume the pies and a stomach warming race fuel .

  3. 这可以暖胃,然后让我保持清醒和平静的心态。

    It keeps my stomach warm , which centers me and gives me peace .

  4. 肉桂和姜都是温热药材,能祛寒暖胃,促进血液循环。

    Both cinnamon and ginger are warm and hot herbs , improve circulation and warm the body .

  5. 生姜性温,具有较强的抗氧化作用,常食可祛寒暖胃、抗菌消炎、促进代谢、延缓衰老。

    Function of it : Dispels cold , Warms stomach , Resists bacterium , Hastens metabolism , and Keeps young .

  6. 鸿渐把辛楣的橡皮热水袋冲满了,给她暖胃,问她要不要喝水。

    Hung-chien filled Hsin-mei 's rubber water bottle and gave it to her to warm her stomach , asking her if she 'd care for some water to drink .