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  • 网络Length;body length;SVL;bodylength
  1. 蝌蚪的样子非常有趣:体长一英寸左右,脑袋又大又圆,尾巴却是侧偏的。

    Tadpoles4 are very funny-looking little things about an inch in length , each with a large round black head and a flat tail .

  2. 蜜蜂体长半英寸稍多一些,与所有的昆虫一样,蜜蜂的身体分为三个部分——头部、胸部与腹部。

    Its length is a little more than half an inch . The body of the bee , like that of all insects , is divided into three parts — the head , the chest , and the belly2 .

  3. 青蛙的体长大约在两到三英寸,背部长满了棕黄色的斑点;

    The frog is about two or three inches in length , and is mottled with brown and yellow on the back ;

  4. 结果表明,山羊体重、体长与体宽均随年龄的增长有显著的增高(p<0.05);

    The results showed that body weight , body length and width increased significantly with age ( p < 0.05 );

  5. V随虾体长的增长而降低,两者之间也具有良好的线性关系。

    There are linear correlations between V and DO , V and body length respectively .

  6. 体重值采取log转化,再与体长进行回归分析,得到了直线方程。

    After the log-transformation of body mass , the variable was also regressed with the body length .

  7. Fe对花鱼骨的体重/体长比和内脏指数影响程度最大。

    Fe had the greatest influence on the parameters about weight / body length , viscera index .

  8. 基于GIS的近岸海域水环境时空分析夏季北美近海岸水域中最多的鳐鱼;体长21英寸。

    Study on Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Near Shore Waters Based on GIS ; most plentiful skate in North American inshore waters in summer ; to 2l inches .

  9. 通过分析短颌鲚周年、不同季节、不同体重和体长阶段的能量含量变化,在周年变化中,在整个周年变化中能量含量未表现出明显的差异(P0.05),也无一定的变化趋势。

    In the annual change , annual change in the whole energy content did not show significant difference ( P 0.05 ), and no definite trends .

  10. 各AI处理组和对照组鱼的体长和体重都不存在显著差异(P0.05)。

    There were no significant differences detected in body weight and length among the AI treated and control groups ( P 0.05 ) for both experiments .

  11. 在一定体长范围内,正常体感诱发电位P1、N2波峰潜伏期与家兔记录点和刺激点之间距离有直线回归的关系。

    The normal latency of SEP has a linear regressive relationship with the distance between recording point and exciting point .

  12. 但腹肌SOD活性与体长和体重之间存在一定的正相关,相关系数分别为0.559和0.436。

    But the muscular SOD activity of the shrimp is positively interrelated with body length and body weight with a coefficient ( r ) of 0.559 and 0.436 respectively .

  13. Kruskal-WallisANOVA显示雌性个体的体长显著大于雄性个体。

    Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA showed that the body length of females were significantly larger than that of males .

  14. 温度对丝光绿蝇Luciliasericata幼虫体长变化的影响

    Effect of Temperature on the Body-Length Change of Lucilia sericata

  15. 同时,当大黄鱼体重在5~100g范围内时,体长与咽喉径之间存在着线性函数关系。

    Within the range of 5 ~ 100g for the weigh , there is a linear relationship between the length and pharynx diameter .

  16. 14日龄和21日龄黄颡鱼仔稚鱼的体长、体重、日增重、体重相对增长率随饵料中磷脂添加量的提高而上升,第Ⅳ组显著高于其他组(P<0.05)。

    The wet body weight , body length , average daily gain ( ADG ), weight gain rate ( WGR ) of 14-day-old or 20-day-old larvae rose with increasing of the PL levels , and group ⅳ was significantly higher than other groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  17. 商用皮重与热胴体重、体长存在极显著的正相关(P0.01),与商用胴体重存在显著的正相关(P0.05)。

    The positive correlations of commercial skin weight to hot carcass weight , length were high significant ( P0.01 ), and the positive correlation of commercial skin weight to commercial carcass weight was significant ( P0.05 ) .

  18. 体长结构主要是体长小于100mm,体重小于20g的小型个体,占75.7%。

    The small sized species with less than 10 cm in body length and 20 g in body weight account for 75.7 % .

  19. 本次共放流体长3cm左右的南美白对虾约130万尾,放流虾苗平均体长、体重分别为3.13cm、0.309g。

    The average body-length of the releasing shrimp is 3.13 cm , and the average body-weight is 0.309g .

  20. 每20天进行体重、体长、丰满系数、肝胰脏重/体重比、血清生化指标检测(ALP、ALB、ALT、AST、TP)以及肝胰脏、脾脏和肠道的组织学检查。

    The body length , body weight , fullness , liver weight / body weight , blood biochemical index and the pathologic histology of the liver , spleen and intestinal tract were checked every 20 days .

  21. 对虾试验结果表明,在饵料中添加2%的鱼腥藻粉,饲喂45d后,对虾的体长增加了14.49%;体重增加了10.43%。

    After 45 days of feeding , the Penaeus japonicus increased 14.49 % in body length and 10.4 % in body weight .

  22. 尚未发现锶对动物体重、体长、血清AKP活性、尿钙水平以及股骨弯曲断裂载荷的影响。

    Effects of Sr 2 + on body weight , body length , AKP activity of serum , calcium content of urine and breaking load of bended femur for rats were not found .

  23. 3个浓度小球藻喂养的透明溞最大体长和寿命均随食物浓度的升高而降低,低浓度下培养的最大体长为2.5mm,寿命为69d;

    The longest body length and lifespan decreased with increasing organic carbon concentrations of Chlorella pyrenoidosa .

  24. 当体长小于100cm时,随着体长增加,空胃率呈下降趋势;

    In the group of their fork lengths ( FLs ) less than 100 cm , the percentage of empty stomach is decreasing with the FL increasing ;

  25. 育苗获得平均体长40mm的鱼苗33.3万尾,育苗成活率为12.8%。

    As a result , 370 000 fry of fish with average body length of 40 mm were obtained , and the survival rate is 12.8 % .

  26. 育苗采用前期室内工厂化培育与后期土池培育相结合方法,培育出全为三倍体(体长3cm以上)苗种5.8万尾,对应孵出苗量,成活率为34.6%。

    The fry were reared indoors first and cultivated in mud pond afterwards , 58 thousand fingerlings with body-length above 3 cm were obtained , the survival rate was 34.6 percent .

  27. 刚孵化的仔鱼在低盐度下的体长较长,但72h后,没有明显差异(P>0.05)。

    Although the total length of the larvae after hatching was a little longer at lower salinity than at natural salinity , there was no significant difference in total length between the larvae within 10 ~ 35 of salinity after 72 h ( P 0 . 05 ) .

  28. 雏鸟体长及外部器官的形态学参数可以用Logistic曲线方程很好地拟合,体长、翅长及13日龄前的体重增长曲线均呈S型。

    The growth of the body mass , the wing length and some other morphological characters of the fledgling can well be modeled by the Logistic equation . The growing curves of the wing length , the body length of nestling and the weight before 13-day-old nestling are S model .

  29. 北美的普通拟八哥(Quiscalusquiscula)体长约30公分。

    The common grackle ( Quiscalus quiscula ) of North America is about 12 in . long .

  30. 对从比利时引进的马里努阿犬原种本交繁殖的F1代犬进行饲养试验,测量其不同生长发育阶段体长、体高、胸围、胸深、荐高、头长等体尺及体重变化情况。

    Original seed F_1 dog propagated with selfing of Belgian Malinois introduced from Belgium were fed , and the body length , body height , chest girth , chest depth , back height and head length , and the weight change were measured .