
  • 网络Sporting Goods;Sporting Goods Shop;sports store;Sports shop;Sporting goods store
  1. 他们2015年搜集的数据显示,每小时有至多1.4万行人走过第七大道近西34街的麦多体育用品店(Modell’sSportingGoods)门前。

    As many as 14000 pedestrians an hour walk in front of the Modell 's Sporting Goods store on Seventh Avenue near West 34th Street , according to 2015 data collected by the partnership .

  2. 体育用品店小学快乐体育的教学

    The Sporting Goods Store Merry Physical Education in primary schools

  3. 如果你对足球很感兴趣,你可以选择在体育用品店工作或在当地的足球俱乐部帮忙。

    If you 're mad about football , you can choose to work in a sports shop or help out at a local football club .

  4. 然后我们能去书店和体育用品店吗?

    And then can we go to a bookshop and a sports shop ?

  5. 他的父亲,亚瑟·纽曼是一家体育用品店的老板。

    His father , Arthur Newman , ran a successful sporting goods store .

  6. 那个体育用品店吗?为什么?

    The sporting goods store ? Why ?

  7. 体育用品店

    The Sporting Goods Store

  8. 我们的顾客,体育用品店,抱怨说,虽然订单通常准时,但经常少一些东西。

    Our customers , the sports outlets , complained that although they were usually on time , orders often had items missing .

  9. 大概3个月前,当我在一家体育用品店,买泳镜啊护腿啊这些父母买给孩子的东西时,

    About three months ago , I was in a sporting goods store buying goggles and shin guards and all the things that parents buy at the sporting goods store .

  10. 比如,你知道美国的五金店的数量和体育用品店的数量分别是男士服装店的两倍和三倍吗?

    For instance , did you know that in the United States there are twice as many hardware stores and three times as many sporting good stores than men 's clothing stores ?

  11. 一天下午,我去附近的一家体育用品店买了一套摔跤护头和鞋子,并匿名把东西送给市里的教堂。

    That 's when the idea for his present came . That afternoon , I went to a local sporting goods store and bought an assortment of wrestling headgear and shoes and sent the anonymously to the inner-city church .

  12. 布局政策选择为:打造体育用品制造健康产业园区和体育用品销售旗舰店。

    Secondly , as far as the distribution-policy choices are concerned , we should build healthy industrial garden areas of sports goods making and flagship stores of sports goods .