
tǐ cái
  • genre;style;type of literature;types or forms of literature;modes of expression
体裁 [tǐ cái]
  • [modes of expression;type of literature;style] 文学作品的分类,可用多种标准来划分

体裁[tǐ cái]
  1. 几次体裁上的尝试都不算很成功。

    The few excursions into stylistic experiment do not entirely come off .

  2. 通过接纳其他文化和体裁,我们实际上拓宽了领域,而不是让现有的范围变得狭窄。

    By embracing other cultures and genres , we actually broaden our horizons , rather than narrow any existing ones .

  3. White提出了一种综合的写作教学模式&过程体裁法。

    White , put forward a comprehensive pattern & process-genre approach .

  4. 在ESP和EAP领域,体裁教学法是行之有效的教学方法。

    Genre-based teaching approach is an effective pedagogy in ESP and EAP .

  5. 作品体裁不限,包括纪录片、家庭录像片、剧情片、改编作品、MV、幽默短片、风光片、新闻片、个性才艺展示片等。

    The styles are not limited and can include documentary , family video recording , scenario , reorganization works , MV , humor short , scenery , news and skill showing films , etc.

  6. 面向对象程序设计体裁嵌入FFP-AST系统

    Object-oriented programming paradigm embeded in ffp-ast system

  7. 然后,结合了Hasan的GSP理论和Swales的步骤模式得出辩护词的体裁结构。

    To produce the move structure of the statements of defence , we then adopt an integrated theory , which comes mostly from Hasan 's GSP theory and Swales ' move-step model .

  8. ESP体裁分析使我们对特定某一种体裁实际的结构以及语言特征有了更多的了解,也使得我们更清楚诸如作者的语言使用环境等因素对这些特征所产生的影响。

    ESP genre analysis contributes to a better understanding of what actually constitutes the structures and linguistic features of a certain genre and to a clearer idea about the effects of other factors such as writer 's language - using environment on these features .

  9. 本文通过对该模式进行理论分析和实证研究,证明了这种基于体裁的ESP教师培训模式的可行性和有效性。

    Following this model , student teachers will develop the capabilities of applying these professional knowledges in ESP settings . In this paper , a theoretical analysis and empirical research of the model proved that the genre-based ESP teacher education model is feasible and effective .

  10. 其次,研究还结合了Halliday的系统功能语言学中三大元功能的学说,在词汇句法的层面对索赔信进行了某些话步的语言策略分析,这是对体裁分析理论的补充。

    The research also draws on the three metafunctions in Halliday 's systemic functional linguistics to find out some linguistic strategies associated with certain moves on its lexico-grammatical level , which is a complementary part to the methodology of the genre study .

  11. 应用翻译是一种实用性强而又注重以内容为中心的翻译文体,其体裁大多可归属于纽马克(Newmark)界定的信息型和呼唤型文本,它具有该类型文本的所有功能特性。

    Pragmatic translation features largely in its practicable and content-centered style , most texts of which can be classified into the two text categories defined in Newmark 's Text Typology with the functions respectively of the " informative text " and the " vocative text " .

  12. “Prelude”前奏曲,这一古老的体裁经过历史的发展及衍变,在浪漫主义时期终于真正脱离引子功能的附属地位,成为了完全独立的音乐作品&浪漫主义时期的钢琴特性小品。

    Prelude , one of the ancient genres , which has passed through the development and evolution of history , finally separated itself from " introduction " as subordination during the Romantic Period ; and became a completely independent musical genre , the Character piece of the Romantic music .

  13. 这一角度的分析被Hyon定义为ESP体裁分析,他对书面语和口语的功能性变化进行了更详尽的描述,甚至比1993年Bhatia所使用的分析系统还要详细。

    This approach is defined as ESP genre analysis ( Hyon , 1996 ), which allows a far thicker description of functional varieties of written and spoken language than that offered by any other system of analysis ( Bhatia , 1993 ) .

  14. 本文结合体裁分析和系统功能的相关理论,建立了自己的理论框架。首先依据Swales的体裁定义和Sant的劝说理论认定辩护词作为一种劝说性的独立体裁存在。

    Within the theoretical framework of genre analysis and systemic functional theory , the present study first investigates the statements of defence as a specific persuasive genre in accordance with the definition of genre given by Swales and Sant 's " persuasive 4-mula " .

  15. 散文诗是一种特殊的文学体裁。

    Poem prose is a special literature style in the world .

  16. 投射类型在宏观上决定语篇体裁。

    From the macro-perspective , projection types can determine text genre .

  17. 不同的篇章、体裁在直译与意译的趋向程度上往往有所不同。

    Different discourses or styles tends to focus on different stresses .

  18. 专利申请说明中技术交底摘要的语篇体裁分析

    Genre Analysis of Abstracts of Technical Disclosure in Patent Application Specification

  19. 体裁、体裁分析与体裁教学法

    Genre , Genre Analysis and Genre - Based Teaching Approaches

  20. 试论边缘曲式在幻想曲体裁中的实践

    The Practice of the Borderline Song Form in the Works of Fantasia

  21. 美国总统就职演说的体裁分析

    A Genre-Based Investigation into the Schematic Structure of the Presidential Inaugural Addresses

  22. 英汉新闻语篇中不同新闻体裁的类型是否会影响主位推进模式的选择。

    And whether different journalistic sub-styles influence the choice of TP patterns .

  23. 文本方面:实现文本儿童化和体裁多样化。

    The text : realizing diversification of text and genre .

  24. 小说会话是小说文学体裁中的重要组成部分。

    Fictional conversation is a dispensable element in the forms of literature .

  25. 说明小说这一文学体裁在逐渐走向成熟。

    Novels in Ming and Qing Dynasties gradually became perfect .

  26. 中国古代音乐史著文本体裁探论

    An Exposition of Type of Version of Ancient Chinese Historical Music Works

  27. 论唐诗体裁系统的优势

    On the Advantages of the Style System of Tang Poetry

  28. 科技期刊中英文摘要体裁对比与分析

    Genre analysis and contrast of English-Chinese abstracts in sci-tech journals

  29. 各种体裁的文学作品都是通过语言实现的。

    All kinds of styles literature were accomplished by language .

  30. 数字化体裁扩大了文学体裁或者修辞体裁的范围,为体裁研究增添了新的课题。

    It has become a new topic for literature and rhetoric studies .