
  • Sports Department;DCMS;MCDS
  1. 浙大原体育部主任姜建华认为:没能把浙江籍奥运冠军和高水平运动员吸引进校,是浙大竞技体育上不去的重要原因之一。

    Zhejiang Jiang Jianhua , director of the sports department that : failed to get Olympic champion Ji , Zhejiang , and high levels of athletes to attract into the school , is Zhejiang University athletic sports can not be regarded as one important reason .

  2. 在迪克森当时还没有电台播音员这样的工作,父亲说,蒙哥马利·沃德开了一家新商店,想雇请一个本地的运动员管理店里的体育部。

    While them was no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon , my father sad Montgomery Ward had opened a store and wanted a local athlete to manage its sports department .

  3. 主要阐述我校体育部创造体育多媒体CAI的开发环境,建立体育多媒体CAI开发系统和多媒体教学服务系统,依靠自己的科技力量,自主开发体育多媒体CAI课件的创作实践。

    This article points out developing environment of physical education CAI , and its teaching service system in our university .

  4. 一个可能预示未来走向的迹象是,今年秋天,位于芝加哥的伊利诺伊州罗伯特莫里斯大学(RobertMorrisUniversityIllinois)的体育部组建了一个官方电子游戏团队,为其成员提供的奖学金种类和足球、橄榄球和冰球运动员相同。

    And in a possible sign of the future , the athletic department of Robert Morris University Illinois in Chicago created an official video game team this fall , offering the same sort of scholarships given to athletes playing soccer , football and ice hockey .

  5. 4月14日,SIFE深圳大学团队的队员拜访了深圳大学体育部主人陈小蓉教授,就博道知行项目展开了讨论。

    April14th , 2010 , members of SIFE Shenzhen University team visited Dr Chen , director of ministry of Sports , and have a discussion about the Consulting Advisory .

  6. Antezana博士目前担任玻利维亚卫生与体育部高级顾问。

    Dr Antezana is Senior Adviser in the Ministry of Health and Sports in Bolivia .

  7. 他说在冬奥会召开前的六个月时间里,他每周至少和穆特科的副手尤里·纳格尤科(YuriNagornykh)碰一次面,地点为体育部富丽堂皇的莫斯科总部大楼二楼的一间办公室。

    In the six months before the games , he said , he met with Mutko 's deputy , Yuri Nagornykh , in a second-floor office at the ministry 's palatial Moscow headquarters at least once a week .

  8. 世界反兴奋剂机构(WADA)周一要求禁止所有俄罗斯运动员参加2016年里约奥运会,此前该机构发现俄罗斯体育部“导演、控制和监督”了对以往参赛运动员使用兴奋剂的系统化掩盖。

    The World Anti-Doping Agency on Monday demanded that all Russian competitors be banned from Rio 2016 after finding the country 's sports ministry " directed , controlled and oversaw " a systematic cover-up of doping by its athletes at previous competitions .

  9. 据该校体育部副主任库尔特·梅尔彻(KurtMelcher)透露,这些学生都是《英雄联盟》的玩家,他们已经获得了最多相当于一半学费和食宿费——大约一年3.9万美元——的奖学金。

    The students , all League of Legends players , are getting up to 50 percent of the price of tuition and room and board , which runs about $ 39000 a year , according to Kurt Melcher , the university 's associate athletic director .

  10. 修改策划书并批准体育部开始进行活动。

    Adjust the plan book then permit SD to conduct the activity .

  11. 所有收益将纳入学校的体育部

    All proceeds are going to the school 's athletic department

  12. 查询请致电26097539与联合书院体育部联络。

    For enquiries , please contact United College Physical Education Unit at26097539 .

  13. 试论高校体育部(室)的人才开发

    Try to Discussing the Talented Person Development of the Department of University

  14. 国防、民保和体育部

    Federal Department for Defence , Civil Protection and Sport

  15. 卫生部兼社会发展、青年及体育部

    Health and Community Development , Youth and Sports

  16. △去皮鼻根部深层固定矫正内眦赘皮体育部子系统

    TRIANGULAR SECTION FOR CORRECTION OF EPICANTHUS The Physical Education Department 's Management Sub & system

  17. 美国洛杉矶武术代表团来我校学习中华武术与体育部领导及全体武术队员合影。

    The Wushu Team from Los Angeles is learning Wushu in Tianjin University of Technology .

  18. 体育部子系统

    Part five is the conclusion . The Physical Education Department 's Management Sub & system

  19. 社会发展、青年及体育部

    Community Development , Youth and Sports

  20. 当前,柬埔寨王国政府和教育、青年与体育部已拟定行政战略改革计划。

    Recently , the Royal Government of Cambodia has made the Strategic Planning of Administrative Reforms .

  21. 男:为什么不报名参加体育部开的课呢?

    M : Why not sign up for the lessons offered by the physical education department ?

  22. 高校体育部形象设计研究

    Research on the Image Design of the Department of Physical Education in Colleges The Glory of Sport

  23. 大多数高等教育机构是在国家教育和体育部管理之下。

    Most higher education institutions are under the responsibility of the Ministry of national education and sport .

  24. 在离大学校际赛还有三个月的时候,张先生入选为体育部主任。他将接沈先生的班。

    Three months before the intervarsity game , Mr. Zhang was elected Athletic Director to succeed Mr. Shen .

  25. 我加入了校学生会,担任体育部的干事。

    I 'm a secretary of Gym ( physical culture ) department in Student Union of my university .

  26. 新的科技部取代了1982年建立的前科学、文化和体育部。

    The Science and Technology Ministry replaces the former Ministry of Science , Culture and Sport established in1982 .

  27. 俄罗斯体育部部长维塔利·穆特科表示,复检结果为阳性的消息“看上去显然很糟糕”。

    Sports minister Vitaly Mutko said the news of the positive tests " certainly doesn 't look good . "

  28. 罗琴科夫描述了这个牵涉到俄罗斯安全部门和体育部的组织严密的大规模兴奋剂行动。

    Rodchenkov described a massive , tightly organised doping operation involving Russia 's security service and the sports ministry .

  29. 立法会泰国考察团,并与泰国外交部和旅游体育部官员会面。

    A delegation of Legislative Council to thailand , Ministry of foreign affairs and Ministry of tourism and sports .

  30. 黄春容为国争了光,就连越南体育部部长也称赞他为“越南奥运史的里程碑”。

    It delighted his home nation , with Vietnam 's sports minister saying he had " gone down in history . "