
tǐ xiàn
  • reflect;embody in;embody;incarnate;give expression to;find expression in
体现 [tǐ xiàn]
  • [embody in;incarnate;find expression in;reflect] 某种性质或现象通过某一事物具体表现出来

  • 这幅油画体现了画家对大自然的热爱

  • 在这个人身上体现了时代精神

  • 所有这些尖锐有力的话都变成了体现平民理想的口号

  • 在这本书中体现了新思想

体现[tǐ xiàn]
  1. 这两个层面又集中体现在寻根派作家的创作实践与先锋作家群的尝试中

    The inditing experiments of searching-root writers and the attempts of avant-grade authors embody these two aspects .

  2. 为体现“肥尾”现象,ARCH类模型广泛应用于金融时间序列的建模中。

    In order to embody " fat tail " phenomena , ARCH class models have been frequently used in financial time series .

  3. 他们最新出版的单曲唱片体现了这支乐队的新尝试。

    Their latest single represents a new departure for the band .

  4. 你的一言一行都体现你的个性。

    Everything you do or say is reflective of your personality .

  5. 展览全面体现了这位画家的艺术生涯。

    The exhibition presents a summation of the artist 's career .

  6. 这个队的战斗精神从队长身上体现出来。

    The fighting qualities of the team are epitomized by the captain .

  7. 这些儿童充分体现了教育制度的缺陷。

    These children personify all that is wrong with the education system .

  8. 舞台设计得到了完美的体现。

    The stage designs have been beautifully realized .

  9. 民主政体现已取代军事统治。

    Democratic government has now replaced military rule .

  10. 这里的一切都体现出极为高雅的情趣。

    Everything here speaks of perfect good taste .

  11. 许多原本分散的团体现在正在单一的权威领导下运作。

    Many previously separate groups are now operating under the umbrella of a single authority .

  12. 这件事真体现了勇气。

    It 's a story of courage .

  13. 他有那种难以言表的特质,体现出他是专业而非业余的。

    He has that je ne sais quoi that distinguishes a professional from an amateur .

  14. 这座城镇的发展以小见大,体现了整个国家的发展。

    The developments in this town represent in microcosm what is happening in the country as a whole .

  15. 国际象棋长久以来被认为是智慧的体现。

    Chess has long been regarded as a measure of intellect .

  16. 他的歌词体现了高度的文化修养。他甚至还引用了伏尔泰。

    His lyrics are highly literate . He even quotes Voltaire .

  17. 甘地体现了克己、禁欲和自我约束的美德。

    Gandhi exemplified the virtues of renunciation , asceticism and restraint .

  18. 他的天赋不单体现在建筑物的装饰上。

    His genius was not confined to the decoration of buildings .

  19. 该政权的种种劣行集中体现于一人。

    The iniquities of the regime are incarnated in one man .

  20. 这两座建筑物体现了爱尔兰建筑风格的极致多变。

    These two buildings typify the rich extremes of Irish architecture .

  21. 这些团体现在正转而致力于大规模的回收利用工作。

    These communities are now turning to recycling in large numbers

  22. 他的成功充分体现了他的勤劳苦干和敬业精神。

    His success has been a tribute to hard work , to professionalism

  23. 纽约是美国价值观的终极体现。

    New York is the ultimate manifestation of American values .

  24. 这幅画体现了蒙克作品中另一个常见的主题。

    This painting points to another recurring theme in Munch 's work .

  25. 各团体现在已努力消除了彼此间的分歧。

    The various groups had now managed to iron out their differences .

  26. 这些设计体现了她对颜色和细节的精准眼光。

    These designs demonstrate her unerring eye for colour and detail

  27. 这种长途汽车是体现德国工程设计水平的杰作。

    The coach was a masterpiece of Teutonic engineering .

  28. 这一协定与其说体现了两个国家之间真正的伙伴关系,还不如说是一种形式。

    The arrangement was more a formality than a genuine partnership of two nations

  29. 甘地家族体现了那种坚定的品质。

    That stability was embodied in the Gandhi family .

  30. 这种变化鲜明地体现在阿拉伯联盟所发生的事件上。

    This change is neatly illustrated by what has happened to the Arab League