
  • 网络Pendulum method;Pendulum Dowsing
  1. X射线回摆法测定应力的计算方法

    Calculation of stress measurement by X-ray oscillation method

  2. 三线摆法测刚体的转动惯量所用近似方法对测量结果的影响

    The influence of measuring method to the result in the experiment of trilinear pendulum

  3. 小型导弹惯矩的测量&双线摆法


  4. 我们在这套房间已住了多年,但我们不时将家具搬来搬去,变换摆法。

    We have been in this flat for years , but we ring the changes by moving the furniture around .

  5. 允许的证明步骤,就好比国际象棋中允许的走法,而公理就好比是开局时的摆法。

    The allowable steps of proof were to be considered like the allowable moves in a game of chess , with the axioms as the starting position of the game .

  6. 针对脉冲爆震发动机瞬时推力、平均推力测量问题,介绍了直接测量法和间接测量法(包括推力壁压力曲线积分法和抛物摆法)的测量原理及系统构成。

    Transient and average thrust are two important performance parameters of pulse detonation engine . The principle and system structure of direct measurement method and indirect measurement methods ( including thrust wall pressure integral method and ballistic pendulum method ) are introduced .

  7. 该文应用复合三线摆测量法测得了某轿车动力总成的有关参数。

    Correlative parameters of a certain cars power train are obtained through a complex three-wire pendulum .

  8. 本文运用摆锤冲击法和落重弯折冲击测试方法对柔性纤维砼、普通砼的冲击性能进行了对比实验研究。

    In order to investigate the performance of flexible fibers concrete , pendulum-hammer impact experiment and fall-weight impact experiment were carried out in laboratory .

  9. 运用摆锤冲击法和均匀弹性支撑落重弯折冲击法,首次对柔性纤维水泥稳定砂砾和普通水泥稳定砂砾的冲击性能进行了对比试验研究。

    This paper , for the first , has used pendulum impact method and even elastic support falling weight bend impact method to give comparison test to impact performance of flexible fiber cement stabilize gravel and common cement stabilize gravel .

  10. 摆臂加重训练法的实际应用研究

    Research on Application of Weighted Arm Swing Training Method

  11. GB/T2679.16-1997纸和纸板印刷表面强度的测定(摆或弹簧加速法)

    Paper and board Determination of printing surface strength Accelerating speed method ( pendulum or spring model )

  12. 测量不规则棒体径向惯性矩的一般双线摆&动量矩法

    The general bifilar torsion pendulum of measuring radial moment of inertia for irregular stick shape bodies ── Method of moment of momentum

  13. 其次,说明了直接横摆力偶矩控制法在提高极限工况下弯道加速(或制动)行驶能力,从而改善汽车操纵稳定性的机理,为汽车稳定性控制提出了理论基础。

    And then , the mechanism of the Direct Yaw Moment Control ( DYC ) method enhancing curve accelerating ( or braking ) capability at limiting behavior , improving automobile control stability is explained . This provides the theory for vehicle stability control .

  14. 通过实验表明,石英弹簧重力仪配上光学测微器后,由归零读数法获得重力读数的观测精度,一般要高于直接用重力仪计数器的零位观测(摆杆水平)法精度。

    It is showed from experiment that the observed accuracy of gravity reading obtained by the reduction-to-zero method is generally superior to that of observation by the zero-set method of gravimeter 's counter ( levelling off pendulum ) after equiping the additional micrograph on the quartz spring gravimeter .