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  • 网络street vendor
  1. 我在生活中接触了不少北京人从摆地摊的到公司经理什么人都有总的来看他们是非常可亲非常可爱的。

    In my life I have come to contact with many all kinds of Beijing people , from street vendors to managers of companies ; generally speaking , they are very approachable and endearing .

  2. 数月之后,他攒足了钱,购买了各种各样的配件,并把买来的配件整齐地摆在地摊上。

    After a few months , he saved enough money to be able to buy various accessories which he displayed at his site .

  3. 每年的毕业季,大学校园都会变身成跳蚤市场,即将离校的毕业生们摆起地摊,低价出售那些无法搬回家里或租住地的个人物品。

    College campuses will be turned into flea markets during graduation . Graduates-to-be set up stands to bargain away those belongings which are difficult to carry back home or to their rented houses .

  4. 我们在院子里摆了个地摊,把家里不再需要的坛坛罐罐什么的处理掉。

    We put together a yard sale to dispose of all the household junks .