
  • 网络swinging legs;Battement;leg lift
  1. 古典芭蕾挥摆腿技术动作的运动学剖析

    Kinematic analysis of technical movements in flinging and swinging legs in classical ballet

  2. 正确认识clap冰刀的摆腿技术和摆腿对提高蹬冰效果有重要的理论意义和实践意义。

    Understanding the leg swing technology correctly with Clap skates and swings the leg to enhance the push-off effect have the important theory significance and the practice significance .

  3. 他一摆腿上了床,胳膊瘫软无力地摆动着。

    As he swung himself onto the bed , his arm flapped pointlessly .

  4. 短跑摆腿技术教学的实验研究

    Research on the Technique of Swing Leg During Sprinting

  5. 跳跃运动起跳时的摆腿技术特点及作用

    Features and Function of Swinging Leg Technic in the Taking - off Skill

  6. 优秀速滑运动员弯道摆腿技术运动学分析

    The analysis on sport technique of swing legs of outstanding athlete in speed-skating

  7. 这些肌肉广泛地被用于各种摆腿动作,和自由泳的踢腿动作中。

    These muscles are used extensively in leg flutter or up thrust phase of free-style stroke kick .

  8. 揭示了现代短蹬技术只是高速跑动中的一个自然连续的过程,是摆腿动作的延续,不需刻意地去作独立蹬伸动作。

    And suggests that modern running tread is the natural and continuous process in high speed running and is the extension of leg oscillation .

  9. 就是碰了一下,不过又好像是中场摆腿绊倒了后卫,后卫难道故意迎上?

    There 's contact , but it would appear the the striker swinging leg catches the defender , was the defender meant to teleport ?

  10. 积极快速有力摆腿摆臂和起跳结合,增强起跳能力。

    Combining positive , fast and forceful swinging of leg and arm with taking off in order to increase the ability of start of a race .

  11. 该机器人采用六套轮腿机构,每套轮腿机构分别由摆腿电机和行走电机控制机器人摆腿和车轮的运动。

    The robot uses six sets of wheel-leg device ; the movement of the legs and wheels are separately controlled by leg motor and motion motor .

  12. 当它们迅速摆腿,它们把展开的脚用力蹬水,如果保持了速度,那么所产生的小气涡能让它们不沉入水里。

    As they rapidly churn their legs , they slap their splayed feet hard against the water , creating a tiny air pocket that keeps them from sinking , provided they maintain their speed .

  13. 析110米栏跑过栏时的摆臂及腿臂动作配合

    Research on arm swing in 110 hurdle and Coordination of Arm and Leg

  14. 起跳快表现为起跳脚蹬伸速度快,摆臂摆腿快且节奏明显。

    Quick take-off means an instant extension of the take-off foot and the rapid swinging of the arms and the legs with obvious rhythm .

  15. 同时采用有限元方法模拟,分析横摆运动对于系泊腿上部铰接点影响。

    The impact of horizontal swing on the upper hinge point of mooring leg was analyzed with the help of FEM .

  16. 沃尔特摆了摆手还是摆了摆腿?

    Did Walter wave his hand or wave his leg ?

  17. 适合接在左摆拳之后的招式是右反摆和右鞭腿。

    Suitable for the connection in the left swing after the move is right inverse pendulum and the right leg whip .