
jiā sù pǎo
  • accelerative running;buildup
  1. 要合理使用快慢间歇跑、不规律变速跑、加速跑等方法。

    The rational use of speed interval run , not the law of varied pace , buildup and other methods .

  2. 对国外优秀女子百米运动员的加速跑距离、个人最大速度与运动成绩关系的研究

    Study of Relationships between Accelerative Running Distance , Individual Maximum Speed and Athletic Performances in Foreign Elite 100m . Female Runners

  3. 论100米跑运动员的加速跑、加速跑距离、加速能力

    Discussion on Acceleration , Accelerative Distance and Ability of 100m Runners

  4. 短跑加速跑前四步运动学分析

    Kinematics of the First Four Step of Sprint Accelerative Run

  5. 你知道吧,盖尔非常擅长20米后加速跑。

    You know , Gail is very good at acceleration after 20 meters .

  6. 在经过长距离,跑山或加速跑之后,第二天采用放松跑。

    The day after a long run , hill work or a speed session , run extremely easy .

  7. 然后它转身走回到小道上,加速跑,“砰”的一声撞向大门。

    Then he walks back down the path , takes a big run and throws himself-whap ! - against the door .

  8. 结果表明,100米跑的加速跑距离和总成绩在可能不相关的情况下,不能计算它们的相关性;

    The result showed that under the irrelevance between accelerative distance and total time , we cannot calculate the relevance of 100m running .

  9. 它转身走回到小道上,再次加速跑,又一次“砰”的一声撞向大门。

    He goes back down the path , takes another run , and throw himself ! - whap ! against the door again !

  10. 本文以典型事例阐明提高中长跑运动员连续加速冲跑能力,对于在强手如林的重大比赛中致胜的重要作用,并提出了有关的训练对策和建议。

    This paper , with typical examples , explicated thc important role of improving middle-long distance runner 's dash ability with continuous accelerative running in major competitions against strong rivals and it also proposed some relative training methods and suggestions .