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  • altitude training
  1. 模拟高原训练对小鼠骨骼肌LDH同工酶谱影响

    Effects of mimic altitude training on skeletal muscle LDH isozyme patterns in mice

  2. 5周高原训练对优秀自行车运动员WBC、RBC、HGB和HCT影响的研究

    Effect of altitude training for 5 weeks on WBC , RBC , HGB and HCT for elite bicyclists

  3. 高住低练模拟高原训练对划船运动员血清CK、LDH和ALT活性的影响

    The effect of living high and training low on serum ck , ldh and ALT of Rowing Athletes

  4. 高原训练后EPO的变化情况;

    The change of EPO after hign-altitude training ;

  5. EPO在高原训练中早期下降的机制及对高原训练效果的预测作用

    Training computer The Mechanism of EPO Early Decline and Its Predictive Role in Altitude Training

  6. 本文研究了高原训练对游泳运动员血液成分促红细胞生成素EPO及血红蛋白(Hb)的影响。

    The article studys the effect of high-altitude training on EPO and Hb in athletes ' blood .

  7. 模拟海拔4000m高原训练1~3周对大鼠骨骼肌蛋白质代谢和血清睾酮的影响

    Effects of Stimulated Plateau Training at Elevation of 4000m for 1 ~ 3 weeks

  8. 高原训练后EPO的变化情况;有比较高的性能/价格比,使用效果令人满意。

    The change of EPO after hign - altitude training ; The system provides hign performances of experiments , high performance / p rice .

  9. 优秀游泳运动员高原训练期间VO2max、BLA和T/C值的变化

    The Change of VO_2max , BLA and T / C Ratio during Altitude Training in Elite Swimmers

  10. 结论认为:不同模式低氧训练中RBC、Hb和Hct的变化幅度、特点与规律存在一定差异,与高原训练比较也有所不同;

    The result showed that There was existed certain difference on change degree , character and rule of RBC , Hb and Hct at different hypoxia training .

  11. 限定文章语种为English。同时在中国期刊网上检索2001-01/2005-06相关中文文献,检索词:可溶性转铁蛋白受体,运动医学,促红细胞生成素检测,高原训练,运动性贫血。

    Meanwhile , Chinese Journals Full-Text Database ( CJFD ) were scanned to search relevant articles published from January 2001 to June 2005 with the key words of " soluble transferrin receptor , sports medicine , erythropoietin detection , altitude training , sports anemia " in Chinese .

  12. 通过比较发现,间歇性低氧训练和HiLo训练是一种优于传统高原训练的训练方法。

    The results showed that interval hypoxia training and Hilo training were superior to traditional altitude training .

  13. 结果发现:运动员进入亚高原训练后CK、BUN和T血象指标均发生显著性变化,HB与第一阶段相比也有所升高。

    Result : Players enter the Asian plateau training CK , BUN , and T blood parameters of significant changes have occurred , HB compared with the first stage is also higher .

  14. 1600m高原训练对我国优秀中长跑运动员血液等指标的影响

    Effects of 1600m High-altitude Training on the Blood and Other Targets of Excellent Middle-long Distance Runners

  15. 结论:模拟高住低练是提高有氧能力的有效措施,但EPO的变化规律与传统高原训练不同。

    CONCLUSION : Simulated living high training low training is an effective way to improve aerobic performance , but the changing law of EPO is different from that of traditional altitude training .

  16. 模拟海拔2000m和3000m高原训练的不同时程对大鼠骨骼肌蛋白质代谢的影响

    Effects of Different Duration of Simulated Plateau Training at Elevation of 2000 m. and 3000 m. on Protein Metabolism of Skeletal Muscles in Rats

  17. 传统高原训练、HiLo训练及间歇性低氧训练是三种比较热门的训练手段,每种训练手段都为国内外教练员所广泛采用。

    Plateau training , HiLo training and intermittent hypoxia training are popular in sports training at present and they are adopted widely by the coaches at home and abroad .

  18. 结果表明高原训练能提高大鼠骨骼肌LDH和MDH活性,但返回平原后LDH活性显著性下降,MDH活性则有再提高的趋势。

    The results showed that altitude training increased the LDH and MDH activities of the skeletal muscles in rats . But after returning to the plain the LDH activity decreased significantly and the MDH activity trended to increase again .

  19. 结果表明:3周模拟高原训练后,大鼠骨骼肌苹果酸脱氢酶(MDH)活性明显提高(P<0.05),VE干预使这一变化更明显(P<0.01)。

    The results showed that after 3 weeks stimulated plateau training , the MDH level in rats increased significantly ( P < 0.05 ), and the Vitamin E intervention strengthened the change ( p < 0.01 ) .

  20. 回顾了高原训练现状,对传统高原训练、HiLo训练及间歇性低氧训练进行了训练方式、训练负荷和生理学基础的理论比较。

    The paper reviewed the status quo of altitude training , also from some angels of the training style , training loading and physiology mechanism altitude training , Hilo training and interval hypoxia training were made comparison .

  21. 高住低练(HiLo)训练法是由高原训练发展而来。本文讨论了HiLo与传统高原训练法的区别,以及HiLo对机体有氧运动能力的影响。

    Living high-Training low ( HiLo ) is a new training method comes from altitude training This article aim to discuss the following areas : the difference between the traditional altitude training and Hilo method , and affects of Hilo on aerobic performance .

  22. 高原训练期间运动员身体机能生理、生化指标的评定方法

    The Method of Monitoring Athletes ' Physical Condition during Altitude Training

  23. 优秀中长跑、马拉松运动员高原训练探悉

    Study on Altitude Training of Excellent Mid-long-distance Running and Marathon Athletes

  24. 高原训练对优秀自行车运动员有氧能力的影响

    Effects of Highland Training on Elite Cyclists ' Aerobic Capacity Bicycle

  25. 高原训练、高住低练与人工低氧环境训练

    Altitude Training , Living High-Training Low And Man-made Hypoxic Condition Training

  26. 格斗类重竞技项目高原训练的可行性分析

    A feasibility analysis of altitude training methods about combat sport event-groups

  27. 亚高原训练对优秀拳击运动员专项运动能力的影响

    Influence of Sub-altitude Training on Specific Performance of Elite Boxing Athletes

  28. 游泳运动员赛前高原训练的阶段划分

    By Stages in Altitude Training of Swimmers before the Game

  29. 不同形式高原训练对运动能力影响的机制

    Effect Mechanism of Different Forms of Altitude Training on the Athletic Ability

  30. 平原自行车队高原训练强度监控的研究

    Study on Monitoring Altitude Training Intensity for the Plain Bicycle Athletic Team