
  • The Ferryman;passeur
  1. 不久,他来到涅漫河,问那摆渡人有没有很多逃兵路过。

    He shortly arrived at the river Neman , and asked the ferryman if many deserters had passed that way .

  2. 程抱&东西方文化间的摆渡人

    Cheng Baoyi : ferry man between the east and west culture

  3. 在摆渡人的掌中支付了通向死亡的旅费。

    In Charon 's palm it pay the toll to Death .

  4. 不然怎么会分明听到冥河摆渡人的面部肌肉已经暗中欣喜了很久

    Otherwise I couldn 't heard facial muscles of the Styx ferryman twisting

  5. 《边城》发表于1934年,小说描写了山城茶峒码头团总的两个儿子天保和傩送与摆渡人的外孙女翠翠的曲折爱情。

    Border Town was published in1934 , the novel describes mountain tea Cave captain 's two sons , Tianbao and Tan Song with Baidu people 's granddaughter Tracy sent with the twists and turns of love .

  6. 由香港资深导演王晶执导的奇幻大片《封神传奇》,刘德华参演的《澳门风云3》以及香港著名导演王家卫执导的《摆渡人》三部影片齐获“最令人失望影片”。

    Fantasy blockbuster League of Gods , veteran Hong Kong directing duo Wong Jing and Andrew Lau 's The Man From Macau III and See You Tomorrow , whose executive producer was famous Hong Kong director Wong Kai-wai , jointly won the award for Most Disappointing Film .

  7. 很久以前,有个摆渡的人,他用船把人们从岸的这边送到对岸,以此赚钱为生。

    There was once a boatman who earned his living by transporting passengers from one side of the riverbank to the other .