
  • You and I;you and me;me and you
  1. 我和你,我们总能应付过去的。我知道我们会的。

    We 'll manage somehow , you and me . I know we will

  2. 我和你,心连心,永远是一家人。

    You and me From one world , we are family .

  3. 我和你一样痛恨刘易斯之流。

    I hate Lewis and his kind just as much as you do

  4. 我和你一样毫不知情。

    I 'm as much in the dark as you .

  5. 我和你妈妈过圣诞节的时候会想念你的。

    Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas

  6. 在这件事上我和你意见不同。

    I disagree with you on this matter .

  7. 一切费用由我和你平均分担。

    All expenses are to be equally divided between you and I.

  8. 我和你处于同样的窘境之中。

    I am in the identical predicament with yourself .

  9. 好吧,我和你一同去。--这才像话。

    O.K. I 'll go with you . -- That 's more like it .

  10. 我和你一见如故,这是人生最难得的事。

    You and I are like old friends from the start , and that doesn 't happen to many men .

  11. 我和你一样积极参加体育锻炼。

    I am as active as you in physical training .

  12. 我和你说句悄悄话行吗?

    May I have a word in your ear ?

  13. 如果我和你结婚,就会把自己一辈子断送了。

    If I married you now I 'd queer myself for good and all .

  14. 我和你打赌,他错了。

    I lay you he is wrong .

  15. 我和你比赛看谁先到家。

    I 'll race you home .

  16. 我和你一起去找乡绅,告诉他发生了什么事,他说。

    I 'll come with you to tell Mr Trelawney what 's happened , he said .

  17. 平公说:“我和你说正经话,怎么,你竟和我开起玩笑来了!”

    Ping Gong said : " I am serious . But you go so far as to make fun of me ! "

  18. 今天我和你共同宣布珠峰最新高程具有承前启后的时代意义,也充分体现了中尼关系持续发展的高水平。

    The joint announcement of the new peak height is of great significance in carrying forward the undertakings to the future and showcasing the high level of the continuous development of China-Nepal relations .

  19. 我和你是亲兄弟,作为你必须超越的障碍,我会和你一起生存下去,就算是被你憎恨也要如此,这就是所谓的哥哥。

    You and I are flesh and blood . I 'm always going to be there for you , even if it 's only an obstacle for you to overcome . Even if you do hate me . That 's what big brothers are for .

  20. 我和你法庭上见,你这个卑鄙的无赖!

    I 'll see you in court , you filthy scoundrel !

  21. 感恩阿玛巴关的赐福,我和你又连结上了!

    Thanks the blessing from AmmaBhagavan that connected we both again !

  22. 我和你以及你哥哥已经没有任何关系了。

    I have no ties to you and your brother anymore .

  23. 我和你一样急切地找到他。

    I want to find him as badly as you do .

  24. 你希望我和你一起工作?

    Raj : You want me to work with you ?

  25. 我和你在一起的大部分时间

    As most of the time I 'm with you ,

  26. 詹姆斯:不,我和你不同。

    James : No * I 'm not like you .

  27. 你可以在晚上玩,一对一,就我和你。

    You can play at night , one-on-one , justyou and me .

  28. 你来买,我和你平分费用。

    You buy it , and I 'll go halves with you .

  29. 你甚至为了保护我和你朋友打架。

    You even fought with your friend to protect me .

  30. 我和你一样在同一条危险的街道里生长起来。

    I grew up on the same treacherous streets as you did .