
yuán mèng
  • Realize a dream;interpret dream
圆梦 [yuán mèng]
  • [interpret dream] 根据梦象来解释、推定吉凶之兆

  • 聚集文武,入朝圆梦。--《三国演义》

圆梦[yuán mèng]
  1. 她非常渴望成为舞蹈演员,但却因为达不到标准而未能圆梦。

    She had a strong desire to be a dancer but failed to make the grade .

  2. 例如,高盛(GoldmanSachs)旨在支持1万名女性的巾帼圆梦计划(10000Women)为全球各地资源匮乏的女性提供商业和管理教育、导师和人脉以及融资渠道。

    For example , Goldman Sachs " 10000Women programme provides underserved women around the world with business andmanagement education , as well as mentoring , networks and access to capital .

  3. 祝愿所有有梦之人最终圆梦!

    Wish every one with dream can accomplish it at last .

  4. 而现在学习,你将圆梦。

    But this moment study , you will interpret a dream .

  5. 城郊休闲度假场所规划初探&以圆梦湖休闲度假村规划为例

    To Initially Explore the Plan for Urban Suburb Leisure Vacation Places

  6. 何以能寻梦、追梦、圆梦?

    How can you seek , pursue and fulfill your dreams ?

  7. 而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

    But this moment study , you will interpreta dream .

  8. 如今,一款小小的手机游戏便可以帮你圆梦。

    Now , a small cell phone game can help you Dreams .

  9. 为了圆梦,小米已经失去了很多。

    To realize his impossible dream , Remi has lost a lot .

  10. 我收拾好行装,出发去圆梦。

    I packed my bags and set off towards my sea dream .

  11. 我们没事啦,你在帮我圆梦,姐妹。

    We 're good . You 're living my dream , girl .

  12. 为了让我们圆梦,这点代价不算什么。

    It 's a small price to pay to make our dream come true .

  13. 有的人靠圆梦占卜。

    Some diviners interpret dreams to foretell events .

  14. 凭着他这种不屈不挠的精神,谁还会说他不能圆梦呢?

    And with his indomitable spirit , who 's to say he won 't achieve it ?

  15. 她说,巾帼圆梦不是一刀切的计划。

    She says that Ten Thousand Women is not a " one size fits all " program .

  16. 16岁时,我有了圆梦的机会。

    At the age of 16 , I was given the chance to make my dream come true .

  17. 他们想向全世界欢呼:百年奥运,中华圆梦!

    They want to cheer to the world : Hundred year Olympic Games , China interprets a dream !

  18. 我深感荣幸,能和你们分享这些故事,能为您展示阿里巴巴的精神与核心。让我感到更加自豪的是,我们能够点燃创新、创造机会、造福客户、并且能给创业者圆梦。

    I am proud to share with you these stories that show the heart and sprit of Alibaba .

  19. 我从未能够圆梦,从未能够达到预想的结果。

    It 's never been the dream come true , and it 's never been what you expect .

  20. 飞鹰人经营一所数位学校,名为「圆梦学园」,是一所专为身心障碍者所设计的数位学习学校。

    E-fly also administer a successful accessible e-Learning school , called EDS , destined to serve people with disabilities .

  21. 给老师最好的礼物就是成绩,给父母最好的回报就是圆梦!

    The best gifts to the teacher is the score , the best return for parents is a self-administered !

  22. 高盛集团计划在未来五年向“巾帼圆梦”计划投资一亿美元。

    Goldman Sachs plans to give one hundred million dollars to the10,000 Women program over the next five years .

  23. 让我感到更加自豪的是,我们能够点燃创新、创造机会、造福客户、并且能给创业者圆梦。

    I 'm proud that we ignite innovation , creat jobs benefit customers and help entrepreneurs fulfill their dreams .

  24. 大部分人把愤怒的矛头都指向了27岁的圆梦之家创始人周代富。

    Much of the anger was directed at Zhou Daifu , the 27-year-old founder of A Home Where Dreams Come True .

  25. 追梦的路不怕长,就怕迷失,愿清醒后的中国足球早日圆梦。

    Dream is not afraid of a long road , afraid lose , willing to awake early after Chinese football dreams .

  26. 圆梦对我来说只有一次,却也差点要了我的命。之后的我,更喜向往而非拥有。

    I got mine once only , and it nearly killed me , and I 've always preferred wanting to having since .

  27. 此刻打盹,你将做梦;而此刻学习,你将圆梦。

    This moment will nap , you will have a dream ; but this moment study , you will interpret a dream .

  28. 发挥你的想象力,假设你终于完全负责并主宰自己的圆梦之路,尽情想象到那时的不同感受吧!

    Imagine the difference you will experience knowing that you took full responsibility and control in creating the life you say you want !

  29. 后天就是2008年8月8日&那个激动人心的日子了,怀揣奥运梦想的我们已经开始用倒计时来企盼这一圆梦时刻的到来。

    The day after tomorrow is August8th , 2008 & the exciting date , we come to this moment with the Olympic dream .

  30. 大部分人把愤怒的矛头都指向了27岁的“圆梦之家”创始人周代富。

    Much of the anger was directed at Zhou Daifu , the 27-year-old founder of " A Home Where Dreams Come True . "