
  • 网络I Love This Land
  1. 陆在易艺术歌曲《我爱这土地》艺术特征浅析

    An Analysis on the Artistic Characteristics of Lu Zai-yi 's Art Song " I Love This Land "

  2. 我爱这片土地,并愿意为之献出生命。

    I love this land and I 'm ready to die for it .

  3. 是啊,我爱这片土地。我希望有一天,我的孩子里有一个会回来居住,给我生一群孙子孙女,我可以把这片土地的奥秘传给他们。

    Yes , I love this land and I hope one of my children comes back one day to live , and gives me grandchildren so that I can pass on the land 's secret messages to them .

  4. 我爱这一片土地!

    I love the land .

  5. 无不处处体现着“诗的散文美”,如《大堰河&我的保姆》、《北方》、《我爱这土地》、《鱼化石》等诗篇。

    Ai Qing fully embodied his poetic ideal in a series of his well-known poems , such as Da Ya River-My Mammy , The North , I Love The land and Ichthyolite .