
jìng bá
  • strong, tall, and straight; vigorous and graceful
劲拔 [jìng bá]
  • [robust and straight] 雄健挺拔

  • 劲拔的翠柏

  1. 诗文真率豪放,书法劲拔飘逸,外柔内刚,独具风采。

    Poetry straightforward , uninhibited , elegant calligraphy , drawing fresh , soft on the outside inside , unique style .

  2. 它所呈现的虽是优美的五彩缤纷而又温馨和柔的漫天彩霞,但它折射出的却是壮美的昂扬激烈而又劲拔阳刚的耀眼光芒!

    Although it presents us a graceful picture of colourful , gentle and rosy clouds , Jiuge refracts strong , fierce and glowing rays of sunlight .