
  • 网络Where I Live
  1. 毕竟在我居住的地方,从晚上到白天温度经常有40华氏度左右的变化。

    After all where I live the temperature often changes by 40 degrees from night to day .

  2. 我居住的地方,闭路电视系统中有一频道是留作政宣和会议的。

    In the place where I live , there is a frequency on the cable TV reserved for broadcasting government information and conferences .

  3. 黛色的兰岭山,那是我居住的地方,她象风姿绰约的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下

    Mountains in which I dwell , great-hipped , bigbreasted , slumber on the western sky .

  4. 黛色的兰岭山,那是我居住的地方,它象臀丰乳高的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下

    The dark Blue Ridge Mountains in which I dwell , great-hipped , big-breasted , slumber on the western sky .

  5. 然后走访当地的公司,注意到在我居住的地方还有个做外卖的商机。

    Then I went round the local offices and noticed there was a niche in my part of town for another take-away .

  6. 我居住的地方气候温暖,但我想在家里看到火焰而且不要有热量。我的选择有哪些?

    I live in a warm climate and want the look of a great fire but don 't want heat . What are my options ?

  7. 我童年居住的地方有趣极了,蕴含丰富的多元文化色彩。

    The neighborhood of my childhood was interesting and richly multi-cultural .

  8. 渥太华也必须看到城市,我目前居住的地方。

    Ottawa is also a must-see city where I currently live .

  9. 我童年居住的地方有趣极了。

    The neighbourhood of my childhood was an interesting one .

  10. 这是我家,我生活和居住的地方。

    This is my home , this is where I live .

  11. 我居住过的每个地方都有个壁炉

    Everywhere I 've lived , I 've had a fireplace .

  12. 我希望在我上班和居住的地方能有一个绿色的花院。

    I wish I could have a garden and green where I live and work .

  13. 我的作家小组是在我居住的地方布鲁塞尔。

    My writers'group is in Brussels , where I live .

  14. 我很喜欢旅游,但是我现在居住的地方如此的美丽,所以我从未想国离开它。

    I love to travel but it is so beautiful here that I hardly ever leave .

  15. 但是我给200多个人写邮件,离我居住的地方开车5个小时的范围内,

    but I emailed about 200 different people within a five-hour radius of where I lived ,

  16. 我新的工作报酬多一些,而且离我居住的地方的近得多:我完全满意。

    My new job pays a bit more and is located much nearer where I live : it suits me down to the ground .

  17. 当问到是什么使他改变主意时,房主说:“看了你的广告之后,我发现我已经生活在那个我一直梦想者居住的地方了。”

    When asked what changed his mind , the homeowner said ," After reading your ad , I realized I had already lived in the home I always wanted to live in . "

  18. 戴润:我从没有在都柏林城表演过街头艺术,但我在我居住的郊区的某些地方表演过街头艺术。

    Darren : I 've never busked in Dublin city , but I 've busked in some of the suburbs where I 've lived .

  19. 我爱我的家,我的孩子但是我的内心是只有我一个人居住的地方,那是你永不枯竭的泉水重生的地方。

    I love my family , my children ... but inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that 's where you renew your springs that never dry up .

  20. 你们应遵守我的一切法令和我的一切规定,一一依照执行,免得我领你们去居住的地方将你们吐弃。

    Keep my laws and my judgments , and do them : lest the land into which you are to enter to dwell therein , vomit you also out .

  21. 我以为这会很容易,但是我给200多个人写邮件,那些人离我居住的地方开车5个小时的范围内,我只得到了一个正面的回复,说愿意帮助我。

    I thought this would be easy , but I emailed about 200 different people within a five-hour radius of where I lived , and I got one positive response that said that they could work with me .