
  • 网络Pendulum accelerometer;FHPA
  1. 气泡对充油式挠性摆式加速度计精度影响的机理分析

    Analysis Of The Influence Of Air Bubble On Liquid Floated Accelerometer

  2. 提高石英挠性摆式加速度计可靠性的技术途径

    The Technical Method to Improve Reliability of Quartz Flexure Pendulous Accelerometer

  3. 动力学环境下液浮摆式加速度计建模与仿真

    Modeling and Simulation of Liquid Floated Accelerometer in Dynamical Environment

  4. 力矩平衡摆式加速度计A/D转换电路设计

    An A / D Convert Citcuit Design of Torque Balanced Pendulum Accelerometer

  5. 充油式挠性摆式加速度计中气泡故障的判断

    Air Bubble Judgement of Liquid Floated Flexible Pendulum Accelerometer

  6. 气体摆式加速度计与射流角速度陀螺

    Gas pendulum accelerometer and laminar jet angular rate gyroscope

  7. 摆式加速度计的设计与陀螺设计有很多共同之处。

    The pendulous accelerometer design had much in common with the gyro design .

  8. 液浮摆式加速度计测试系统的研究

    Research on Liquid Floated Pendulous Accelerometer Testing System

  9. 石英挠性摆式加速度计胶接存在可靠性问题。

    There is problem of reliability in quartz flexure pendulous accelerometer when it is glued .

  10. 力平衡铰接摆式加速度计

    Force balance hinged-pendulum accelerometer

  11. 本论文从工程实际出发,围绕液浮摆式加速度计测试系统展开了研究。

    This paper starts the research of the liquid floated pendulous accelerometer testing system according to the engineering .

  12. 研究表明,液浮摆式加速度计在过载振动复合环境下,因为结构变化而产生了较大的工作误差,这些误差的表现形式相当复杂,在单一环境实验中是无法体现的。

    It is shown in research that because of the structural change of the Liquid Floated Accelerometer in OAVCE , there is more severe error which can not be found in single environment test .

  13. 本文采用最小二乘估计和正交多项式拟合的方法,得到了石英挠性摆式加速度计(精度4×10-5)模型系数随温度变化的规律,建立了20℃&50℃温度范围内加速度计的温度模型。

    Using the method of least square estimation and orthogonal polynomial fitting , a law that the coefficients of accelerometer model vary with temperature has been obtained , and the temperature model of accelerometer within 20 ℃~ 50 ℃ has been established .

  14. 该文采用有限元法对液浮摆式加速度计在过载振动复合环境中的动力学特性进行研究,提出一种反映动力学环境下液浮摆式加速度计结构振动特性的误差模型。

    The dynamic characteristic of the liquid floated accelerometer in Overload and Vibration Compound Environment ( OAVCE ) is studied by finite element method in this paper and an error model of the Liquid Floated Accelerometer reflecting the vibration characteristics of the structure in dynamical environment is presented .

  15. 首先对加速度计发展历史和现状、工作原理以及温度对液浮摆式加速度计的影响作了详细的分析,考虑到加速度计温度控制系统的特点,采用Fuzzy+PID复合控制策略。

    At first , this paper gives the detailed introduction of the history and present status of accelerometer and its the working principium and effect the liquid floated pendulous accelerometer on temperature , considering characteristic of accelerometer temperature control system , Fuzzy + PID complex control strategy is adopted .

  16. 液浮摆式积分加速度计是舰用惯性导航系统的核心元件,对长时间海上自主导航,加速度计的非线性和交叉耦合误差是导航误差的主要来源。

    Liquid floated pendulous integrating accelerometer is core element of inertial navigation system to naval ships . To self contained navigation at sea for a long time , no linearity and across coupling error of accelerometer are chiefly error source to navigation error .

  17. 集成电路以及DSP技术的发展,为摆式积分陀螺加速度计(PIGA)的一体化设计提供了可能;

    With the development of IC and DSP , the integration of PIGA is possible .

  18. 本文介绍一种针对摆式积分陀螺加速度计(PIGA)的输出与回路状态变量进行实时测试的自动化测试系统。

    In this paper an on-line automatic testing system is introduced which detects the output and loop state variables of a pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer ( PIGA ) by means of computers .

  19. 挠性摆式微硅加速度计的有限元分析

    The Finite Element Method on Micromechanical Flexure Pendulous Silicon Accelerometer

  20. 液浮摆式力平衡加速度计是目前我国自行生产的高精度加速度计之一,广泛应用于惯性导航系统等要求高精度加速度测量的系统中。

    Liquid floated accelerometer is one of the high accurate accelerometers produced by our nation , which is widely used in inertia navigation systems .

  21. 本文论述液浮摆式力反馈平衡加速度计零位误差产生机理;

    This paper describes a generation principles of zero-error for liquid suspension pendulum force feedback rebalance accelerometer .