
  • 网络Stereophotogrammetry;Stereo Photogrammetry
  1. 利用物理方法确定外方位元素的卫星立体摄影测量的精度分析

    The precision analysis of satellite stereophotogrammetry using physical method to determine exterior orientation elements

  2. 立体摄影测量泄流水舌外形

    Measurement of Water-Flow Nappe by Stereophotogrammetry

  3. 采用一台大面阵CCD和广角摄影物镜的组合,研制成功一种新型的单面阵CCD航天立体摄影测量系统。

    A new plane array CCD space three-dimension photogrammetry system is described .

  4. 立体摄影测量对矿块崩落法引起地表移动的监测研究

    Monitoring surface subsidence caused by block caving mining using of stereo-photogrammetry

  5. 获取舰船液舱数字表面模型的数字立体摄影测量方法

    Digital Stereo Photogrammetry to Acquire the DSM of Vessel Tank

  6. 本文阐述了立体摄影测量中直接线性变换的原理。

    The direct Linear Transformation Method in stereophotogrammetry is described in this paper .

  7. 风洞中投弹运动的三维高速立体摄影测量

    A high speed 3-D photographic survey for bomb dropping in the wind tunnel

  8. 正常牙合模型近景立体摄影测量研究(二)&牙齿及牙列指数的测量分析

    Photography and Existence Investigation on close shot stereoscopic photography of normal occlusal model

  9. 立体摄影测量系统的现状与进展

    The development and proceedings of stereo photogrammetric system

  10. 三维立体摄影测量是较好的研究面部软组织不对称性的方法。

    Stereophotogrammetry is an effective method for three-dimensional soft tissue facial asymmetry diagnosis and study .

  11. 方法:应用数码相机和数字化立体摄影测量的方法进行面部软组织三维测量。

    Methods : To establish a three dimensional soft tissue facial morphometry system with digital camera and stereophotogrammetry method .

  12. 方法应用数码相机和我们研制的一套数字化立体摄影测量硬件系统,在专业计算机立体显示卡上开发面部软组织三维重建和测量软件系统,完成面部软组织数字化摄影三维重建系统。

    Method Digital camera and stereophotogrammetry method were used to establish a three dimensional soft tissue facial reconstruction hardware and software system .

  13. 但常规地面立体摄影测量需要有一定宽度的场地来布设基线,当在一些狭长地带或在线性工程中,摄影测量将受到限制。

    But the conventional ground three-dimension photogrammetry need some wide field to arrange baseline , the method is restricted in the narrow or linearity engineering .

  14. 实验也证明了本文推导的卫星立体摄影测量的理论精度估算公式是正确的,并适用于其他卫星立体摄影测量理论精度的估算。

    The experiments also prove that the formula of satellite stereophotogrammetry is right , and it can be applied to estimate theoretical precision of other satellite stereophotogrammetry .

  15. 介绍了怎样用摄影的方法获取井下地质资料,着重阐述了正直平面立体摄影测量的工作方法。

    This thesis introduces the method of how to get the underground geology datas by photography and especially , states the working method of stereophotogrammetric survey with the upright plane .

  16. 由于地面立体摄影测量能够真实、详尽地记录摄影瞬间客观景物的形态,具有良好的量测精度和判读性能,因此得到了广泛应用。

    The ground three-dimension photogrammetry can record the pattern of objective scenery in photograph instant really and strictly , which have nice measuring precision and distinguish function , so which is applied widely .

  17. 由于平行摄影测量能够在地下洞室和线型工程中以特殊方式布设基线,克服了常规地面立体摄影测量在上述环境下没有足够场地布设基线的缺点,因此具有实际应用价值。

    Because it is able to set Photogrammetry Baseline in special mode that the Grand Solid Photogrammetry has not enough field to set within underground and linear projects , the Parallel Photogrammetry is valuable in practical application .

  18. 在立体摄影测量中,为测定物体的形状、大小和空间位置,不需知道摄影的内、外方位元素,由像片上的信息即可直接进行测量和计算。

    In stereophotogrammetry , without knowing the exterior and interior orientation parameters , we can obtain the necessary information ( the shape , size and position of an object ) by merely measuring and calculating the information of the photograph .

  19. 立体视觉的摄影测量理论

    Photogrammetric Theory in Stereo Vision