
lì zú
  • have a foothold somewhere;keep a foothold;base oneself upon
立足 [lì zú]
  • (1) [have a foothold somewhere]∶站住脚,指能住下去或生存下去

  • 立足之地

  • (2) [base oneself upon]∶处于某种立场

  • 立足基层,面向群众

立足[lì zú]
  1. 从而为中小型汽车经销企业如何在竞争中立足发展提供了一个的基本思路。

    Thereby , it provides a basic concept on how to have a foothold somewhere and develops in competition for small and medium automobile distributing business .

  2. 突出转移支付资金的使用重点,增加农村公共物品的供给,立足在使农民增收的基点上,促进经济发展;

    ( Three ) Stressing to transfer defrays the capital use stress , Add providing of common goods in countryside , Have a foothold somewhere to be living to cause peasantry to gain accepting , Accelerate economy to develop ;

  3. 我们是在一个残酷竞争的世界里立足。

    We 're operating in a dog-eat-dog world .

  4. 要想在生意场上立足,你必须真正明白竞争是怎么回事。

    If you want to succeed in business you have to suss out the competition .

  5. 专利使用费让这位发明家得以再次立足于商界。

    The royalties enabled the inventor to re-establish himself in business .

  6. 企业只有具备了稳固的经济基础才能立足和发展。

    A business can only be built and expanded on a sound financial base

  7. 威尼斯正在丧失它的立足之本,那就是它的人民。

    Venice is haemorrhaging the very resource which could save it : its own people

  8. 人们必须立足现在,目光锁定未来目标。

    One must apply oneself to the present and keep one 's eyes firmly fixed on one 's future goals

  9. 登山者在融化的冰上找不到多少立足之处。

    The mountain climber could not find many footholds on the melting ice .

  10. 经济机构的立足点是市场。

    Economic organization behaviors with the market .

  11. 富士公司获得了竞标,并利用这次赞助在市场上赢得了永久的立足点。

    The bid went instead to Fuji , which exploited its sponsorship to win a permanent foothold in the marketplace .

  12. 数学知识是确定无疑的,它给人们在沼泽地上提供了一个稳妥的立足点。

    Mathematical knowledge was certain and offered a secure foothold in a morass .

  13. 因此在对其进行的研究中,除了借鉴国外已有的并购和FDI理论外,更重要的是立足于中国企业发展的现状,结合国内外环境进行分析研究。

    So we must base on the situation of Chinese enterprise , unifies the domestic and foreign environment to conduct the analysis research .

  14. 平均修复时间(MTTR,MeanTimetoRepair)作为一个重要的维修性定量指标,目前其预计方法及算法立足于大量的试验结果和经验估计。

    As an important quantificational index for maintainability , the predication method and algorithm of mean time to repair ( MTTR ) are always dependent on experimentation and experience .

  15. 通过营销工具和理论的应用得出了立足CDM相关市场的有选择的专门化市场策略。

    And get " bases on the CDM related market " strategy through the marketing tool and the theory application .

  16. 随着中国加入WTO,每个国内企业,特别是象钢铁企业这样的高新技术企业,没有技术创新便很难立足于激烈的市场竞争。

    With the accession to the WTO , any domestic enterprise , especially high-tech enterprise such as the iron and steel enterprise , is difficult to survive the fierce market competition without technical innovation .

  17. 本研究立足于现有国内外研究现状基础之上,就DEA理论和方法有关的四个方面进行了初步探讨。

    This research is based on the current results of study regarding DEA both in domestic and outside and four aspects about the DEA theory and method have been studied preliminarily in this dissertation .

  18. JF有限公司的总体战略是立足湖南、走向全国、最终实现国际化。

    JF co. , LTD. , the overall strategy is based on the hunan , to national , finally realize internationalization .

  19. 同时,以整数划分问题的Prolog改进程序和证明为例,说明程序设计应立足于程序说明和程序正确性的证明。

    More over we have improved the prolog program for an integer partitioning problem by means of the specification structure and make it a case study in design for provability .

  20. 不仅立足现状,而且考虑到济南市CNG加气站发展的历史,分析得出济南市独有的发展特点,并提出可靠的解决办法,指明其未来发展方向,具有很大的现实意义。

    Considering the history of CNG stations in Jinan , we can get the unique characteristics , then make reliable solutions , specify its future development direction , and it is very practical significance .

  21. 第5章立足农户视角,设计调查问卷,以湖北省孝感市273个农户的调查数据为依据,通过Logistic回归模型对农户的干旱保险的支付意愿及其影响因素进行了实证分析。

    Chapter 5 designed the questionnaire based on farmers ' perspective . According to the survey data of 273 households in Xiaogan city in Hubei province , the chapter empirically analyzed the influencing factors of the farmers ' WTP for drought index insurance through the Logistic model .

  22. 欧洲大学协会(EUA)高等教育政策部门负责人迈克尔•格贝尔(MichaelGaebel)说,不存在任何法律上的障碍阻止Mooc在欧洲学分市场上立足。

    Michael Gaebel , head of the Higher Education Policy Unit at the European University Association , says there is no legal obstacle to Moocs playing a role in the European credit market .

  23. 立足于NBA劳资双方的权力斗争实际,研究得出劳资双方的权力斗争分别从谈判权、剩余控制权和剩余索取权三个方面展开;

    This paper focuses on the power struggle between labor and capital of NBA , after close study , it researched that the power struggle between labor and capital of NBA is directed against negotiation right , residual rights of control and residual rights of claim .

  24. 立足于企业的实际,从组织措施、基础管理、人员管理和信息系统构建等几个方面提出了一些有助于企业TPM应用取得实效的措施。

    According to the real conditions of enterprise , giving some suggestions which can help to make the TPM job more effective from the angles of organization management basic management personal management and the forming of information system and so on .

  25. 立足于临床,重视医疗实践;

    Paying attention to medical practice based on the clinical work ;

  26. 立足发展开拓创新打造空港新形象

    Seek Development and Make Innovations to Build New Image of Airports

  27. 立足师范教育,实现办学模式的多样化;

    Base upon normal education , realize variation of teaching mode ;

  28. 着眼创新立足问题的数学教学方法探索

    Exploration on Problem based Approach to Mathematics Instruction Aiming at Creativity

  29. 立足改革创新开创农村卫生工作新局面

    Promoting innovation , opening a new era of rural health service

  30. 立足资源优势,推进体育产业化经营;

    Depending on resource advantage to boost industrialized sports operation ;