
  • 网络Wagging dance;waggle dance
  1. 他们回到蜂箱近旁时,便仔细观察摆尾舞。

    Back at the hive they watched the wagging dance closely .

  2. 他便着手了摆尾舞是不是能够表明方向。

    He set out to discover whether the wadding dance showed direction .

  3. 每分钟摆尾舞的次数表明了到喂食处的精确距离。

    The number of wagging dances per minute told the exact distance to the feeding place .

  4. 由此看来,蜜蜂的摆尾舞的确表明了喂食处的方向。

    The wagging dance of the honey bee , therefore , did show the direction of a feeding place .