
  • 网络SAKUMA
  1. 我希望这些乌云很快就消散,佐久间表示。

    I hope the clouds clear soon , said Mr Sakuma .

  2. 佐久间说,在今年的全球经济滑坡期间,他们更难满足对食品救援的需求,帮助有困难的家庭。

    Sakuma says during this year 's global economic slowdown it has been harder to keep up with demand and fill their clients'orders .

  3. 佐久间是东京“第二丰收组织”的协调员。他说:“我们服务的三个主要群体是难民、单亲母亲和失业的日本居民。

    " Our three main groups of people are refugees , single mothers and Japanese who are unemployed ," said Ruby Sakuma , the pantry 's coordinator .