
tǐ lì
  • stylistic rules and layout;style;guiding principle and detail rules;rule
体例 [tǐ lì]
  • (1) [stylistic rules and layout]∶著作的编写格式;文章的组织形式;编辑部或印刷所对于拼法、大写、标点、排印和版面所遵循的习惯

  • (2) [guiding principle and detail rules]∶纲领与细则

  • (3) [rule]∶办事的规矩

体例[tǐ lì]
  1. 本文试从教材的框架结构、编排体例、内容形式和概念表述等不同层面对两版教材进行比较和分析评估。

    Form different administrative levels , such as structure , system , stylistic rules and layout , content , form , concept and expression , this paper will engage in comparison , research , analysis and assessment for the twe editions .

  2. 在编写体例、中心线索以及断限与分期等方面都有重大变化。

    Textbooks of different period varied greatly from each other either in the stylistic rules and layout , the central clues , or in periodization .

  3. 体例前后不一致。

    The style is inconsistent .

  4. 体例繁多。

    Regulations are numerous .

  5. 修订版体例仍旧(=一仍旧例)。

    The style will still be the same for the revised edition .

  6. 此结构体(也就是UserContextStructure的简写)有一些指向其他结构体例如mcontextt、sigsett等的指针。

    This structure ( short for User Context Structure ) has pointers to various other structures such as mcontext_t , sigset_t , and so on .

  7. 文中以一电路图为例,描述了CAD绘制电路图的体例与技巧,同时描述了块在绘制电路图时的应用。

    The paper took Flange Circuit drawing for example , described the methods and techniques of Circuit Drawing in CAD , meanwhile depicted the application of Block in Circuit drawing .

  8. 文章介绍了英语学术界流行的若干论著体例,包括MLA、APA、Chicago、Vancouver、Harvard、Oxford等体例,指出英语学术界的学术规范体系对于中文学术规范体系的建立具有很强的借鉴意义。

    The article discusses several popular scholarly publishing styles in the English academia , including MLA , APA , Chicago , Vancouver , Harvard , Oxford , and etc. These styles provide very useful references in setting up the Chinese scholarly standards in China .

  9. 教材的内容与编写体例;

    The content of the teaching material and style of writing ;

  10. 本部分在新型农村社会养老保险如何立法方面,对新农保制度立法的体例和基本原则进行分析。

    This section analyzed the style and basic principles of legislation .

  11. 十二篇目的律典结构使封建律典体例定型;

    The twelve-chapter code structure made the feudal code system fixed .

  12. 我们还斥地了新的互动体例。

    But we also broke ground on new ways to interact .

  13. 她以一种我们大未料到的体例讲话。

    She spoke in a way that we had never expected .

  14. 第二部分探讨《千家诗》的编辑体例。

    The second part of " 1000 Poems " editorial style .

  15. 这是造成前七卷和后三卷体例不一的客观原因。

    It is the objective cause of the changes in the layout .

  16. 国外学术共同体学术研究体例述评

    A Review of the Research Routines of Foreign Research Communities

  17. 《汉书》与《史记》相比较在编纂体例上的创新

    The Innovations in Compilation Style of Han Shu Compared with Shi Ji

  18. 关于空间权的性质与立法体例的探讨

    On the Nature of Air Space Right and the Legislative Issues thereof

  19. 本文还探讨了《企业并购法》的基本内容和立法体例。

    This paper tries to design its basic contents and legislative style .

  20. 推延是掩埋您庶獗能最佳的体例。

    Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential .

  21. 编排体例与著述性质。

    Second : the style of arrangement and the quality of writing .

  22. 体例更严,并形成了较为明确的法律规范。

    More strict structure , and formed a relatively clear legal norms .

  23. 试论我国未来民法典中的民事责任制度的体例

    The institution of the civil liability of civil code in the future

  24. 你建议我们用什么运输体例呢?

    What mode of transportation do you suggest we use ?

  25. 国外湿地立法之体例、宗旨与管理体制研究

    Research on Legislation Pattern , Tenet and Management System of Foreign Wetlands

  26. 古代文学评点体例与方式的承传

    The Connecting Link of Style and Mode of Ancient Literary Criticism and Punctuating

  27. 对历史专业世界古代史教材体例改革的思考

    Reflections on the Reform of the Teaching Stylebooks of the Ancient World History

  28. 中国金融控股公司立法体例选择的探讨

    On the Legal System of Chinese Finance Holding Company

  29. 我国反垄断法立法体例的选择:形式抑或内容?

    Legislation Model : Choice of China 's Anti-monopoly Law Form or Content ?

  30. 最终清政府采取了折衷主义的立法体例。

    Finally the qing government chose the eclecticism style .