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  • Chronology;chronicle of sb's life;a chronicle of sb.'s life
年谱 [nián pǔ]
  • [chronicle of sbs life] 按年月记载某人生平事迹的著作

年谱[nián pǔ]
  1. 梁启超与胡适年谱思想之比较

    The Comparison of LIANG Qi-chao and HU Shi Chronicle Thoughts

  2. 文彦博年谱稿

    A Chronicle of WEN Yan-bo 's Life in Manuscript

  3. 吉林省晚印支期&燕山期成矿事件年谱的拟建及特征

    Age determination and characteristics of the late Indosinian-Yanshanian metallogenetic events of Jilin Province

  4. 年谱的出现为谱学发展开辟了一条新的途径,是史学发展的一个重要方面。

    Biographical Chronicle opens a new road for the development of family tree study .

  5. 摩尔根年谱&果蝇遗传研究简评

    Morgan Chronicle Studies on fruit bat Genetics

  6. 元稹的家庭&《元稹年谱》疏误拾芥

    YUAN Zhen 's Family - On the Mistakes ofA Chronicle of YUAN Zhen 's Life

  7. 王俭年谱

    The Chronicle of Wang Jian 's

  8. 杜荀鹤年谱系诗

    Chronology of poems by Du Xun-he

  9. 戴复古年谱

    The Chronicle of Dai Fugu

  10. 吴师道年谱

    Wu Shidao 's Chronicle Biography

  11. 二是利用掌握的新材料,重新为施闰章编撰了年谱简编。

    Two , compiled concisely the biographical chronology again for Shi Run Zhang by using grasping new material .

  12. 笔者在两个个案研究和分析的基础之上,进一步通过祁彪佳年谱之中所反映出的此类现象将官员的个性特征扩展为晚明官场上官员的普遍性特征。

    The author will make such phenomena personality extended to the late Ming officialdom on the universal characteristics of officials .

  13. 《石田先生文集》中附有他的年谱,因此对于他的生平,本文只是简单的介绍。

    Because the " Shitian Gentleman Anthology " attached his biographical chronology , therefore this article only simple introduces his biography .

  14. 一个故事的两种写法&谈《吴宓自编年谱》与《吴宓日记》中有关吴宓婚恋部分的几处出入

    One Story , Two Techniques : On Several Discrepancies Between the Two Accounts of Wu Mi ′ s Love and Marriage

  15. 中国的转型经济经过二十多年谱写了壮丽篇章,但是转型还远远没有结束。

    Chinese transitional economy has made great progress during the last more than twenty years , but transition is far from success .

  16. 《陈垣年谱配图长编》是一部严谨有加的学术著作。

    The book , The Chronicle of Chen Yuan ′ s Life with Illustration is a seriously written work with academic value .

  17. 《杨惺吾先生年谱》是香港已故学界名宿吴天任的手笔,谱主则是清末民初的舆地、金石、目录学大家杨守敬。

    Yang Xingwu , better known as Yang Shoujing , was a famous scholar specialized in the fields of territory , inscriptions and bibliography .

  18. 文章从四个方面探讨了利用明人年谱查找资料的方法,以及在利用明人年谱时应该注意的几项原则。

    This article discusses from four aspects the method to find out materials by means of the Chronicle and several principles that should be paid attention to when it is used .

  19. 对照《吴宓自编年谱》和《吴宓日记》,我们可以发现:在两个文本中,吴宓对自己婚恋生活的叙述有较大的出入。

    Comparing Wu Mi ′ s Self compiled Life Chronicle and Wu Mi ′ s Diary , we can find considerable discrepancy between the two accounts of his love and marriage .

  20. 为李华编撰简明年谱是一件有益的工作,它有助于将李华的研究建立在可靠的时空基础之上。

    To set up a brief chronicle for LI Hua is beneficial to academic research in that it may establish a solid epochal and spatial foundation for the research of LI Hua .

  21. 而明人年谱因其篇幅大、数量多、真实性强而成为不可多得的珍贵史料,具有重要的学术价值。

    The chronicle of people in the Ming Dynasty has become the rare precious historical data with important academic value because of its great length , large quantity , and strong authenticity .

  22. 第九部分以发展及演化年谱的形式,将任、督二脉相关内容结合社会文化背景进行了从源到流的梳理。

    The ninth part classifies the contents of the conception and governor vessels and the social and cultural background from the origin to the development through a chronicle of the development and evolution .

  23. 像所有的大制作动漫一样,《魁拔》有自己的“魁拔年谱”、角色生平、种族起源,它构建了一个严谨的幻想世界。

    Like all big productions , like animation ," Quebec pull " has its own " pull Quebec Chronicle ", the role of life , ethnic origin , it builds a strict fantasy world .

  24. 班固年谱记录了谱主具有传奇色彩的一生,为人们了解班固、《汉书》及《艺文志》提供了依据。

    The description of the chronological life of Ban Gu records his legendary life and is convenient for people to learn something about ban gu , history of Han Dynasty and descriptive accounts of books in dynastic histories .

  25. 他的主要成果,不在词籍的整理与词人年谱的编撰,而在词论的探索、词史的总结与词人词作的分析评价。

    His main achievement was not in the reorganization of Ci 's nationality and the compilation of the writers ' biography , but in the exploration of the theory of Ci and the summarization of the history of Ci and the analyses of writers and their works .