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  1. “每个人的经历都是不同的。”康复中心负责人李海龙说,“我们病人的状况也不尽相同。”图为坚强的小姚华向人们展示他的倒立。

    " Everyone 's experience is different ," said Li Hailong , 50 , director of the center . " We have all kinds of patients . " Left , Li Yaohua , 5 , showed off a headstand .

  2. 姚华的题画词依据性质可分为解画词、咏画词、名义题画词三类,其题材非常广泛,表现手法也是多种多样。

    Based on the nature , Yao Hua 's Ci for paintings can be divided into three classes : Ci for illuminating paintings , Ci of singing the praises of paintings and the nominal Ci for paintings , and its theme is very wide-ranging and its expression means are diverse .