
  • 网络age discrimination;ageism;Agediscrimination
  1. 工作场所的年龄歧视问题常被忽视。

    The problem of ageism in the workplace often goes unrecognized .

  2. 你张口闭口就是各种歧视——性别歧视、年龄歧视、种族歧视。

    You 're always talking in isms ─ sexism , ageism , racism .

  3. 雇主不得有年龄歧视。

    Employers cannot discriminate on grounds of age .

  4. 许多女性感到年龄歧视问题正阻碍着她们职业抱负的实现。

    Many women feel ageism is obstructing their career ambitions .

  5. 一项针对1600多名金融业员工的调查发现,在伦敦金融城(City),年龄歧视现在被视为一个比性别歧视更普遍的问题。

    Age discrimination is now seen as a more widespread problem in the City than sex discrimination , a survey of more than 1,600 finance sector workers has found .

  6. 在2012年,有22875人向联邦公平就业机会委员会(EqualEmploymentOpportunityCommission)提起了年龄歧视投诉,而1997年有15875人。

    In 2012 , 22,875 people filed age claims with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission , compared with 15,875 in 1997 .

  7. HIV在同性恋社区的歧视,是通过社交排斥,年龄歧视,抛弃,暴力以及根据外貌为基础的歧视表现的。

    HIV stigma within gay communities is expressed through social exclusion , ageism , rejection , violence , and discrimination based on physical appearance .

  8. 自从2009年美国最高法院(SupremeCourt)对格罗斯诉FBL金融服务公司案(Grossvs.FBLFinancialServices)做出裁决之后,赢得年龄歧视案件的难度就极大地增加了。

    Winning an age discrimination lawsuit has become much harder since a 2009 United States Supreme Court case , Gross vs. FBL Financial Services .

  9. 2010年,艾尔弗雷德·P·斯隆基金会(AlfredP.SloanFoundation)启动了“工作更久”(WorkingLonger)项目,发放了66份关注于年龄歧视的研究拨款,其中就包括普林斯顿大学的这项研究。

    In 2010 , the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation began a " Working Longer " project , which has awarded 66 research grants focused on age discrimination , including the Princeton study .

  10. 至少这是普林斯顿大学(Princeton)的研究人员开展的新研究所得出的结论。研究的目的是衡量年龄歧视,这是工作场合歧视中最难以证明的一种形式。

    At least that is the conclusion of a new study by Princeton researchers aimed at measuring age discrimination , one of the toughest forms of workplace bias to prove .

  11. 德州农工大学(TexasA&M)副教授乔安娜·拉希(JoannaLahey)建立了一个富有创新性,不过具有局限性的审计模型来计算年龄歧视。

    Joanna Lahey , an associate professor at Texas A & M , has created an innovative - though limited - audit model for calculating age bias .

  12. 首先,ADEA禁止对40岁及以上的员工进行年龄歧视。

    First , the ADEA forbids age discrimination against people who are age 40 or older .

  13. 美国退休人员协会(AARP)的一名律师劳丽·麦卡恩(LaurieMcCann)表示,原告人的律师告诉我们,由于格罗斯案的裁决,他们不再接年龄歧视案件了。

    Plaintiffs ' attorneys have told us that they will not take age cases anymore because of the Gross decision , says Laurie McCann , an attorney with AARP .

  14. EEOC表示,在招聘广告中使用“大学生”、“大学刚毕业”或者“年轻血液”等词违反了1966年制定的美国《反就业年龄歧视法》。

    The EEOC has said that using phrases like " college student , " " recent college graduate , " or " young blood " violate the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1966 ( ADEA ) .

  15. 得到资助的康奈尔大学(Cornell)研究员莎拉·冯·施拉德(SarahvonSchrader)表示,超过60%的就业平等投诉与解雇有关,只有10%涉及雇佣歧视。她说,后者在年龄歧视投诉中是最难获得书面证据的。

    One grantee , Sarah von Schrader , a Cornell research associate , says that more than 60 percent of equal employment complaints are related to job dismissals ; only 10 percent involve hiring bias , which , she says , is the most difficult of age cases to document .

  16. 年龄歧视是非法的,但是这种事情还是不幸的一再上演。

    Age discrimination is illegal , but unfortunately it still occurs .

  17. 毫无疑问,职场上确实存在年龄歧视。

    No doubt , age discrimination does exist in the workplace .

  18. 反年龄歧视法并不适用于当选的官员。

    The age-discrimination law doesn 't apply to elected officials .

  19. 美国禁止就业年龄歧视的立法及权利救济机制

    The Legislation and Remedial System to Forbid Age Discrimination in Employment in America

  20. 因此数千名大龄工人和求职者便成为年龄歧视的受害者。

    Thousands of older workers and job seekers were victims of age discrimination .

  21. 英国禁止就业年龄歧视的立法及其启示

    British Prohibition on Age Discrimination in Employment Legislation and its Revelation to China

  22. 不过,霍尔斯特格承认在法庭上证明存在年龄歧视很困难。

    Still , Holstege acknowledged proving age discrimination in a courtroom would be difficult .

  23. 在女士们看来,这个问题同时具有性别歧视和年龄歧视的意味。

    To the women , it feels like sexism and ageism in a single shot .

  24. 但是年龄歧视也给老龄人在职场中设置了障碍。

    But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older workers face in the labour market .

  25. 如果你在年龄歧视方面存在疑问,可与当地律师联系。

    If you have any questions on age discrimination , please contact an attorney in your area .

  26. 很多雇主认为这种办法不错,但年龄歧视法将令这种做法很难施行。

    Many employers will find this option attractive but age discrimination laws will make it hard to implement .

  27. 而且在反年龄歧视规则的驱动下,人们态度慢慢改变,这也使之较以往更容易。

    And changing attitudes , spurred by rules against age discrimination , are making it easier than ever .

  28. 就业方面的年龄歧视

    Age discrimination in employment

  29. §1967年反就业年龄歧视法,保障70岁和70岁以下老年人的就业机会。

    The Age and Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 protects the jobs of older workers through age 70 .

  30. 如果员工认为有必要针对年龄歧视提起申诉,首先必须考虑下列几个数字。

    If you do feel the need to file an age discrimination complaint , you should consider some numbers first .