
  • 网络Best employer;best companies to work for;employer of choice
  1. 成为全球最佳雇主公司。

    To be the best employer company .

  2. A集团在华企业分支机构也多次在国内获得最佳雇主称号。在当前中国大力进行产业升级的时代背景下,我国国内制造企业提高自身人本管理的水平是势在必行。

    The branches in China of A Group have also received the title of best employer domestically for many times . Currently , China is promoting its domestic industries to be upgraded to a higher level .

  3. 《财富》(Fortune)杂志在最新的年度排行榜《最佳雇主100强》(100BestCompaniestoWorkFor)当中就是这么说的。

    That 's what Fortune magazine says , anyway , in its latest annual list of the100 Best Companies to Work For .

  4. 在接受《财富》杂志(Fortune)专访时,他谈到了公司在中国的扩张、如何吸引年轻的旅行者、以及被评为“最佳雇主公司”的商业意义。

    He spoke with fortune about expanding in China , appealing to young travelers , and the business case for being a best company to work for .

  5. 也许在提供这种工具的Gmail或Outlook新插件发布之后,对100家最佳雇主(BestCompaniestoWorkFor)的调查可能包括一项“傻瓜指数”(JerkIndex)——测算“不在办公室通知”被听从的与被无视的数量之比。

    Perhaps in the year after the release of a new add-in to Gmail or Outlook that provides this tool , the survey for the 100 Best Companies to Work For could include a Jerk Index measuring the number of out-of-office notices heeded versus overridden .

  6. 我们想成为最佳雇主;

    We want to be the best place to work .

  7. •2014年最佳雇主排名:第75位

    • 2014 best companies rank : 75

  8. 万豪酒店:最佳雇主

    Marriott : best companies to work for

  9. 高盛公司在“最佳雇主”中位列第四,在同行业中排名最高。

    Goldman Sachs ranked the highest , coming in fourth on the list of preferred employers .

  10. 最佳雇主公司排名:第54位

    Best Companies rank : 54

  11. 我们还在财富杂志今年的最佳雇主排行榜中名列世界第七

    and we are Fortune Magazine 's best place to work number seven this year in the world

  12. 随着最佳雇主评选风潮在中国兴起,这也引起了中国学术界和企业界对雇主品牌领域的广泛关注和参与。

    With the wave of Best Employers Award rising in China , the Chinese academic and business community also have wide interest and participation on the employer brand .

  13. 近年来最佳雇主的评选在国内越来越盛行,这种现象使得企业界和学术界更多地参与到雇主品牌塑造以及雇主吸引力建设领域的探索与研究中。

    Accompanied by the prevalence of election for the best employers in this country , this phenomenon make the theory and the business community more involved in research and exploration in the field of employer branding and employer attractiveness .

  14. 随之兴起的各类最佳雇主评选活动试图在企业外部建立富有吸引力的最佳工作场所形象,但却忽略了雇主品牌的本质:从内部构建与众不同的企业文化、身份和特质。

    Various best employer contests risen along , attempt to establish unique and attractive images of best workplace , but ignore the essence of employer branding . That is the internal building of larruping enterprise culture , identity and characteristics .

  15. 国内招聘网站智联招聘与北京大学社会调查研究中心共同发布的《2018中国最佳雇主百强评选报告》称,越来越多的95后开始进入职场,这代人的价值观更加多元化,且非常注重自我体验。

    Increasing numbers of those born after 1995 are starting to enter the workplace , a generation that has more diversified values and thinks highly of their personal experiences , according to the 2018 China 's Top 100 Employers report by Chinese job website Zhaopin.com and Institute of Social Science Survey of Peking University .

  16. 橱窗里展示着学校荣获的奖杯奖牌,比如《星期日泰晤士报》评选的全英最佳二十五名雇主奖等等。

    Cabinets display trophies such as the Sunday Times award for being one of Britains best 25 employers .

  17. 《职业妇女》杂志(WorkingMother)将远程办公、弹性工时和工作分担等特殊待遇作为评选根据,列出了一份25年来最佳家庭友好型雇主的榜单。

    Working mother magazine has been publishing a yearly list of the most family-friendly employers for 25 years , taking into account such perks as telecommuting , flextime , and job sharing .