
  • 网络Service in China;China Service;Chinese service
  1. 世界贸易组织与中国服务贸易研讨会将在上海举行

    The World Trade Organization and China Service Trade Seminar will be held in Shanghai

  2. 《服务、服务贸易和服务贸易总协定》介绍了中国服务业的现状,并分析加入服务贸易总协定的利弊。

    This article gives an introduction to the current situation of China service sector and makes a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages if China accede to General Agreement on Service and Trade .

  3. 为更好发挥北京在中国服务业开放中的引领作用,我们将支持北京打造国家服务业扩大开放综合示范区,加大先行先试力度,探索更多可复制可推广经验;

    To better leverage Beijing 's role in spearheading the opening-up of China 's services sector , we will support the municipality in developing a national integrated demonstration zone for greater openness in the services sector . It will enable Beijing to take bigger , bolder steps as a trailblazer and gain more experience that would be replicable and scalable .

  4. WTO框架下构建中国服务贸易法律体系

    To Establish China 's Legal System of Service Trade under WTO Frame

  5. 中国服务贸易与GDP关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between International Service Trade and GDP of China

  6. FDI与中国服务业国际转移研究

    FDI and International Transfer of China 's Service Industry

  7. 实证研究的结果表明,中国服务贸易进口、出口与GDP之间存在着唯一的协整关系;服务贸易进口、出口与GDP均不存在双向的因果关系。

    Shown as the result , there exits the only co-integration relationship between service import-export and GDP .

  8. 服务业FDI对中国服务贸易出口影响的实证研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effect of FDI in Service Industry on China 's Exports of Trade in Services

  9. 在影响目前中国服务业增长的诸因素中,人均GDP水平、城市化水平是最为重要的促进变量。

    The level of GDP per capita and the level of urbanization are the main elements to promote the service growth .

  10. 加入WTO五年,中国服务贸易迅速发展,但与世界服务贸易发展相比,仍存在很大差距。

    Service trading has made a prompt development since China entered WTO , but comparing with international service trading development , it still has a long way to go .

  11. 因此,关于FDI对中国服务业的影响已成为国内学术界讨论的热点问题。

    Therefore , the hot issue of the impact of FDI over Chinese service industry is being widely discussed in the domestic community of scholars .

  12. 中国服务业及其各部门占GDP的比重将随着收入水平的提高而呈现不同变化。

    A comparison of income and price elasticity reveals that ratios of service industry in GDP will change differently in different sectors as the income level rises .

  13. 本文主要利用20年的数据,在建立向量自回归模型以及格兰杰因果关系检验模型的基础上,对FDI与中国服务业发展的协整关系和因果关系进行了检验。

    Based on the data of nearly 20 years , the author establishes the Vector Auto-regression Model and Granger Causality Analysis Model in this paper to test the cointegration and granger causality between FDI and the growth of China 's service industry .

  14. 5月,由汇丰银行(HSBC)和Markit共同编制的中国服务业PMI上升至53.5,高于4月的52.9,仍然位于荣枯分界线之上。

    Compiled by HSBC and Markit , China 's services purchasing managers index rose to 53.5 last month , from a reading of 52.9 in April , and remaining above the threshold of 50 that separates expansion from contraction .

  15. 服务业对外直接投资和中国服务业开放策略

    FDI in Service and China 's Opening Strategy of Service Sector

  16. 中国服务业发展的层级关系及其产业转型测度

    Rank Relation of Service Industry in China and Its Industrial Transformation

  17. 中国服务贸易的现状与保护措施

    Service Trade in China : Present Situation and Protective Measures

  18. 中国服务业大企业的现状比较分析

    A Comparison of the Current State of Large Service Enterprises in China

  19. 中国服务业国际竞争力的指标评价

    Index Appraisal of the International Competitiveness of Chinese Service Industry

  20. 中国服务业统计的现状及其改革与发展

    The Current Situation , Reform and Development of Service Statistics of China

  21. 中国服务业生产率与规模报酬分析

    Analysis on Productivity and Returns to Scale of China 's Service Industry

  22. 中国服务业的区位分布与地区专业化

    The Location and Regional Specialization of Service Industry in China

  23. 中国服务业产业内贸易的影响因素及效应研究

    Research on the Effects and Influential Factors of Service Intra-industry Trade in China

  24. 中国服务贸易周期波动的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis on the Cyclical Fluctuations of Trade in Services in China

  25. 中国服务贸易市场准入定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of the Chinese Service Trade Market Access

  26. 金融危机下中国服务外包产业的发展和对策

    The Development and Countermeasures of Service Outsourcing Industry in China Under Financial Crisis

  27. 开放中的中国服务业

    China 's service trade opens to the outside world

  28. 中国服务业扩大对外开放

    China 's Service Industry Further Opened to Outside World

  29. 为什么中国服务业的比重明显偏低且增长缓慢?

    Why is the Chinese service industry occupied a small proportion and develops slow ?

  30. 本文旨在分析中国服务贸易对经济增长的促进作用。

    The thesis tried to analysis the influence of service trade to economic growth .