
  1. 就在《霍比特人》(TheHobbit)伦敦首映式前一天,主演多米尼克•莫纳汉(DominicMonaghan)在自己的微博中展示自己佩戴的华丽摇滚手表(GlamRock),他准备第二天晚上戴着它参加电影首映式。

    A day before the London premiere of The Hobbit , actor Dominic Monaghan tweeted about the Glam Rock watch he would be wearing the next night .

  2. 他抓住各种机会,在电影首映式、航空展和其他公开活动上展示他的汽车,并鼓励爱慕这些汽车的人在新浪微博(Weibo)上张贴它们的照片。

    He takes opportunities to display his cars at film premieres , air shows and other public events , and encourages people admiring the vehicles to post pictures of them on Weibo , China 's Twitter equivalent .

  3. 我搞到了一张今晚电影首映式的免费票!

    I got a free ticket to the movie premiere tonight !

  4. 婚礼、电影首映式、眼镜奢侈品公司的活动都被推迟了。

    Weddings and movie premieres and expensive company spectacles have been postponed .

  5. 是的你知道我今晚电影首映式吧

    Yes , You know my premiere tonight ?

  6. 但是如果你愿意的话,花钱坐飞机去看电影首映式还是蛮值得的。

    But it is worth the airfare to get to a premiere if you can afford it .

  7. 流行音乐会和电影首映式上,都常常可见尖声的成群结对的女孩子。

    SCREAMING hordes of teenage girls are a common sight at pop concerts and film premi è res.

  8. 今晚,出席这场人们期待已久的电影首映式的是演艺界和音乐界的一批群星。

    Present tonight at the iongawaited opening of this film are a whole galaxy of stars from the acting and musical professions .

  9. 他还能清楚地记起更早那几部电影首映式的情形,他承认那时候他根本不知道他们会变得多受欢迎。

    He can vividly recall attending the premieres for the early films , admitting he had no idea quite how popular they would become .

  10. 威廉王子也将出席上海帕丁顿电影首映式之前的一个活动,并且期待见到那只鼎鼎大名的虚拟小熊。

    William will also attend an event before the premiere of the Paddington movie in Shanghai , and is expected to meet the famous fictional bear .

  11. 《亚洲名人聊天室》安姿丽:嗨,我是安姿丽,这里是香港一场电影首映式的现场,而这部电影正是亚洲有史以来造价最高昂的影片《赤壁》。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : Hi , I 'm Anjali Rao at the Hong Kong premiere of Asia 's most expensive ever film , Red Cliff .

  12. 约翰尼本周来到纽约为他的新片《朗姆酒日记》做宣传,并与片中演员艾梅柏·希尔德一同出席了昨晚的电影首映式。

    Johnny has been in the Big Apple this week promoting his movie The Rum Diary and joined his costar Amber Heard to debut the film in the city last night .

  13. 如果你一年中不止一次地佩戴黑领带,或者是日程中不断出现观看电影首映式、听歌剧或上高档餐馆之类的活动,那么你的日常手表或许就显得不合时宜。

    If you find yourself wearing black tie more than once a year , or if film premieres , opera visits or smart restaurant bookings keep appearing in your diary , your day watch may lack occasion .

  14. 官方消息称,嫌疑人系科罗拉多大学神经科学系学生JohnHoms,他在蝙蝠侠电影午夜首映式上枪杀了12人,伤及58人。

    The authorities say the former neural science graduate student John Holmes killed 12 people and injured 58 at a midnight showing of the new batman movie .

  15. 一个最电影的首映式今年备受期待猫王主演的布莱克和Anabelle充满活力的和最高明格拉。

    One of the top film premieres this year was the highly anticipated Elvis and Anabelle starring Blake Lively and Max Minghella .

  16. 还有一部电影的首映式和发行期的间隔时间比《花木兰》更长的吗?

    Has there ever been a longer gap between a film 's premiere and its general release ?

  17. 身着优雅的服装且妆容时尚,艾玛·沃特森像是为又一部电影的首映式作好了准备。

    With her elegant outfit and chic make-up , Emma Watson looks all set for another film premiere .

  18. 这本流行杂志上的照片表明,很多名流都出席了一部新电影的首映式。

    EXAMPLE : Photographs in the popular magazine showed many glitterati attending the opening of a new movie .

  19. 在这部大热的世界魔幻系列电影终章首映式上,这名英俊的演员在伦敦莱斯特广场一出场就震撼了全场。

    The handsome star rocked up at London 's Leicester Square for the world premiere of the final film in the popular fantasy franchise .

  20. 1942年,电影卡萨布拉卡的首映式在纽约城的好莱坞剧场举行。

    The film Casablanca premieres at the Hollywood Theater in New York City .

  21. 遗憾的是,对雷德克里夫而言,在他前往多伦多参加自己的电影whatif的首映式并庆祝25岁生日后,大门被紧紧关上了。

    But unhappily for Radcliffe , the door stayed firmly shut after he traveled to Toronto to attend a premiere of his movie ' What If ' and to celebrate his 25th birthday on Wednesday .

  22. 上个月,北京一家房地产开发商因派拉蒙电影公司及其两家联合公司未能兑现在其酒店举办电影首映式并让其地产出现在电影宣传片和海报中的承诺而提起诉讼。

    Last month , a Beijingproperty developer said it had filed a lawsuit alleging that Paramount and two of its Chinese associateshad failed to deliver on pledges to hold the movie premiere at its hotel andfeature images of its property in trailers and movie posters .