
diàn zǐ shù jù chú lǐ
  • electronic data processing
  1. 本文通过对电子数据处理系统(ElectronicDataProcessingSystem)环境下的内部控制和ERP环境下的内部控制进行对比分析,为企业在信息技术条件下建立健全内部控制,提出了相应的模式和建议。

    This paper attempts to make a contrast of the internal control functions under Electronic Data Processing System ( EDP ) environment and ERP environment . Then , some control models and control advices are proposed to improve the internal control system in enterprise with wide application of information technology .

  2. 系统在ASA数据库的基础上建立了应用对象、菜单、窗口、窗口上的控件等操作对象,针对各对象不同的具体事件编写驱动程序来实现狐繁育电子数据处理系统的功能。

    On the basis of ASA database , system constructed the function of compiling drivers to realize fox breeding electronic data processing system , with applying operation objects as objects , menu , windows and controls in windows , towards different concrete affairs of every object .

  3. 四是所有房产产籍管理软件还仅停留在电子数据处理EDP或管理信息系统MIS阶段,未对决策支持系统DSS、专家系统ES等进行探讨。

    The development of all the softwares on house property registry management remains on the stage of EDP or MIS , there is no software of this kind has inquired DSS or ES .

  4. 刑事司法管理电子数据处理技术手册;

    Technical manual on electronic data processing in criminal justice management ;

  5. 在电子数据处理方面的犯罪;利用电脑技术进行的犯罪。

    Electronic data-processing crime ; criminal offenses committed using computer technology .

  6. 欧洲统计学家会议电子数据处理工作小组

    Working Group on EDP of the Conference of European Statisticians

  7. 通信和电子数据处理/管理信息系统

    Communications and EDP / MIS Electronic Data Processing and Information Systems Service

  8. 非洲电子数据处理中心和专家名录

    Directory of Electronic Data Processing Centres and Experts in Africa

  9. 电子数据处理在膜式煤气表检定管理中的应用

    Application of Electronic Data Processing in the Certified Management of Diaphragm Gas Meter

  10. 其中文意义为:在电子数据处理范围中设置电话系统。

    Setting up telephone system in the EDP range .

  11. 利用电子数据处理的审计工作医院评审工作促进了护理专业的发展

    Auditing in an EDP environment Hospital accreditation improved the development of nursing science

  12. 那部门叫什么,嗯,电子数据处理部门?

    What 's it called , um , the Electronic Data Processing Section ?

  13. 激光电子数据处理装置激光仿生耦合处理铸铁材料的抗热疲劳性能研究

    Research on Thermal Fatigue Resistance of Cast Iron Treated by Laser Biomimetic Coupling Technique

  14. 电子数据处理环境下的审计工作及内部控制,比手工系统条件下的审计工作更为重要。

    The internal control and auditing through computer is more important than auditing by hand .

  15. 这意味着更有效地利用了处理器。利用电子数据处理的审计工作

    More programs mean more efficient utilization of the processor . auditing in an EDP environment

  16. 电子数据处理系统中的内部控制

    Internal control in electronic data processing syste

  17. 电子数据处理和办公室自动化

    Electronic data processing and office automation

  18. 电子数据处理系统审计

    Audit of electronic data processing system

  19. 电子数据处理工作队

    Working Party on Electronic Data Processing

  20. 电子数据处理系统流程图

    Flow-chart in electronic data processing system

  21. 电子数据处理管理学

    Electronic data processing management science

  22. 建立电子数据处理系统,提高财务成本控制的效率和效益;

    Establish the electric data processing system and improve the efficiency and benefit of the financial cost control ;

  23. 计算机在信息的检索、查询、处理等方面发挥出其巨大的优势,开辟了电子数据处理的新纪元。

    The computer has superiority in aspect of information retrieval , inquiry , processing , Opening the epoch of electronic data processing .

  24. 管理信息系统的发展经历了电子数据处理系统、管理控制系统、决策支持系统和战略信息系统等阶段。

    The development of management information system has experienced the stages of electronic data processing system , management control system , decision support system and strategy information system .

  25. 我修过会计学原理、商业会计、成本会计、工业会计、电子数据处理会计以及涉外会计。

    I took such courses as accounting principles , commercial accounting , cost accounting , industrial accounting , electronic data processing accounting , and accounting involved in foreign capital enterprises .

  26. 税务系统的信息化建设正从仅用来替代手工操作的电子数据处理方式,向管理信息系统、决策支持系统发展,通过网络改造,正逐步发展成为内联网。

    E-tax system is based on the foundation of the processing of data , the management of data , the development of data analyze , through the changes of network , to become Intranet .

  27. 企业信息技术经历了电子数据处理系统,管理信息系统,决策支持系统,现在发展成为其为资源计划系统。

    After the enterprise information technology has experienced the periods of electronic data processing system , management information system , decision supporting system , it now develops into enterprise resources plan system , the most advanced business management pattern in the world .

  28. 人类进入二十一世纪,迅猛发展的科学技术将人们带入了知识经济社会,特别是计算机的飞速发展,传统的会计核算工作已经绝大部分被电子数据处理系统所替代。

    When we come into the 21st century , science and technology that is rapidly developing will take us to the society of knowledge economy , esp. the rapid development of computer technology make the traditional accounting mostly be replaced by the system of electronic data processing .

  29. 基于数据库的海量GDF导航电子地图数据处理方法

    Processing of huge GDF navigation digital map Based on RDBMS

  30. 内燃机测试中电子计算机数据处理与特性曲线绘制

    Processing Data and Graphing Curve for Internal Combustion Engine Tested by Microcomputer