
zuì ɡāo diǎn
  • highest point;all-time high;apex;summit;apogee;pitch;maximum peak
  1. 明白了。Peak指的是最高点,也就是达到了最好,最成功,或者最强的一种状态。

    Helen : The highest point , when something is at its best , most successful or strongest .

  2. 为了找到最高点P的所在,我们首先得,解答我们刚才提出的问题:,究竟何时y方向上的速度减为?

    The position of the highest point P we first ask ourselves the question from equation number four : 0 when is the velocity in the y direction zero ?

  3. 我们爬到了山的最高点。

    We climbed to the very top of the hill .

  4. 通货膨胀达到了12%这个最高点。

    Inflation topped out at 12 % .

  5. 失业率达到17%的最高点。

    Unemployment peaked at 17 % .

  6. 太阳升起,达到最高点,然后落下。

    The sun rises , reaches its zenith and sets .

  7. 股价一直在1997年创下的5年间最高点157.25便士和今年的最低点91.5便士之间浮动。

    The share price has oscillated between a five-year high of 157.25p in 1997 and this year 's low of 91.5p

  8. 增长已经达到了最高点,自1980年以来,其份额几乎增长了四倍。

    Growth has gone to the very , very top , whose share has almost increased four times since 1980 .

  9. 1月份的失业率升至16年来的最高点7.6%,美国就业人数减少59.8万人,为1974年12月以来最大的单月降幅。

    Unemployment in January jumped to a 16-year high of 7 . 6 percent , as 598 000 jobs were slashed from US payrolls in the worst single-month decline since December , 1974 .

  10. 地图显示附近最高点是1500米

    The map says the highest peak in this vicinity is 1500 metros .

  11. 重心上下起伏距离为(6.0±1.3)cm,7名运动员身体重心的最高点均出现在支撑腿脚尖离地时,身体重心的最低点出现在垂直支撑时;

    The average undulation distance of center of gravity is ( 6.0 ± 1.3 ) cm ;

  12. Facebook上月公布的季度业绩超出了市场中大多数人的预期,股价因此被推升至有史以来的最高点。

    Facebook 's quarterly earnings , released last month , have surpassed most market expectations , sending its stock price to an all-time high .

  13. 在培养至18&21d,pH值、电导率和蔗糖浓度均接近或降到最低点,而胚数及细胞体积的增长都达到最高点。

    PH , conductivity , and sucrose concentration at the 18th to 21st days of culture were at lowest level , while embryo number and packed cell volume were at highest .

  14. 结果隐神经自深筋膜穿出至内踝最高点的全长为(38.19±2.06)cm。

    Results The length of saphenous nerve between the perforation of deep facia and the superficial point of the medial malleolus was ( 38.19 ± 2.06 ) cm .

  15. 对下颌边缘运动轨迹的研究表明,下颌边缘运动的最高点为ICP。

    Studys on the pathways of mandibular border movements showed that intercuspal position ( ICP ) is the top point of border movement .

  16. 在茶树冬季休眠期间,叶片内源GA3的含量处于整个生长周期的最低点,内源ABA的含量处于整个生长周期的最高点,二者均在一个相对平稳的区域内波动。

    During the tea plant dormancy period , Endogenous GAs content was in minimum level , and ABA was in max level , They are all waved smoothly .

  17. Uber上周完成了12亿美元的融资,即将达成的这笔交易将成为这一轮融资的最高点。

    The pending deal would come on top of a mammoth $ 1.2 billion financing round that Uber closed last week .

  18. 道琼斯工业平均指数(dowjonesindustrialaverage)的确创出了危机后的新高;它在13000点关口附近徘徊距离历史最高点位不到10%。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average did indeed reach a post-crisis high ; it is " flirting " with the landmark of 13000 , which is within 10 per cent of its all-time high .

  19. 主要全球股市指标之一富时环球指数(FTSEAllWorldindex)周五触及今年最高点位,自2007年8月以来,全球股市首次连续三个月上涨。

    One leading global equity indicator , the FTSE All World index , hit its highest levels of the year yesterday as shares saw their third month of consecutive gains for the first time since August 2007 .

  20. 对照组在第1小时内下降,然后逐渐上升,第12小时升至最高点,然后逐渐下降,48h后与正常鲍活性基本一致。

    MPO activity in control group descended at 1h , then ascended to culmination at 12h , afterwards descended to normal level at 48h .

  21. 伦敦资本经济公司(capitaleconomics)经济学家戴维里斯(davidrees)表示,尽管(巴西货币)汇率已经从近期的最高点下降20%,实际汇率依然被高估20%。

    The real remained about 20 per cent overvalued in real terms in spite of a 20 per cent depreciation from its recent highs , said David Rees , economist at Capital Economics in London .

  22. CNN气象学者预测明天洪水将达到最高点,但是消退还得需要一段时间。

    CNN meteorologist predicted that the flooding will reach its highest point tomorrow , but it could be days before the conditions there get any better .

  23. 枕外隆凸最高点下方2.5mm处骨板厚度,男性为(8.6±0.4)mm。

    The external occipital protuberance apogee is under a bone plank thickness , male for ( 8.6 ± 0.4 ) mms .

  24. 纳斯达克(Nasdaq)互联网类股现在已从5月的最低点上涨近五分之一,距离3月的最高点仅差5%。

    The Nasdaq Internet index is now up almost a fifth from its low in May , and only 5 per cent off its March peak .

  25. 它们的缔合行为和溶液性质明显地取决于表面活性剂的浓度,随着聚合物溶液中加入SDS,溶液粘度发生急剧变化,并在较低的表面活性剂浓度处出现很大的最高点。

    With the addition of SDS to the copolymer solution , the viscosity of the polymer solution changed dramatically and a more pronounced maximum appeared at the lower surfactant concentration .

  26. 卡拉奇证券交易所(karachistockexchange)的股票价格比起今年4月的历史最高点低了近40%,自1月以来,卢比贬值超过30%。

    Share prices on Karachi Stock Exchange are about 40 per cent below their all-time high in April this year , while the rupee has lost more than 30 per cent of its value since January .

  27. CHD组手术后离子镁浓度降低不明显,48小时内变化不大。RHD组血浆醛固酮水平术前较CHD组高,手术后明显增高,24小时达到最高点;

    Before the operation , the concentration of aldosterone in RHD group was higher than that in CHD group , and reached the highest points 24 hours after the operation .

  28. 穴2雪底泥对氟磺胺草醚有较强的吸附能力,引入药剂3d内吸附量迅速上升至最高点(0.362mg·kg-1)后下降,5d内就达到吸附动态平衡;

    The sediment had a higher capacity to adsorb fomesafen . The adsorption would reach maximum value ( 0.362 mg · kg-1 ) within 3 days and equilibrium within 5 days after treatment .

  29. 奥巴马发表上述言论之际,包括沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)在内的数家大型零售商发布了圣诞期间令人失望的销售数据,同时每周数据显示,领取失业福利金的人数达26年来最高点。

    His remarks came as several big retailers , including Wal-Mart , announced disappointing sales over Christmas and weekly data showed the number of people claiming unemployment benefits hitting a 26-year high .

  30. 臀上动脉深上支,血管起点处外径(2.7±0.6)mm,起点距髂嵴最高点(8.0±0.6)cm,营养髂嵴前部骨质。

    Deeply superior branch of superior gluteal artery , the outer diameter of the original point is ( 2.7 ± 0.6 ) mm , the distance from the original point to the top of iliac crest is ( 8.0 ± 0.6 ) cm .