
  • 网络missoula
  1. 火灾预报员马克芬尼住在密苏拉附近的一个易燃地区。

    Mark finney , the fire forecaster , lives in a fire-prone area outside missoula .

  2. NPR新闻,埃里克·惠特尼蒙大拿州密苏拉报道。

    For NPR News , I 'm Eric Whitney in Missoula , Montana .

  3. 在布法罗或密苏拉,一场20英尺厚的降雪可能得到一次不感兴趣的耸肩。

    In Buffalo or Missoula , a20-inch snowfall might get a half-hearted shrug .

  4. 由于这些先驱者的努力,密苏拉洪水说开始形成了完整的脉络。

    Thanks to these pioneers , the full story of the Missoula floods began to take shape .

  5. 实际上,阿尔泰山脉的冰坝湖曾经释放出的洪水,其规模足以和密苏拉洪水媲美。

    In fact , an ice-dammed lake in the Altay Mountains had released deluges of comparable scale to the Missoula floods .

  6. 密苏拉湖泄人低地,轰隆隆、泛着白沫的洪水上到处是冰堰的碎片。

    Lake Missoula spilled out onto the lowlands in a rumbling , frothy flood peppered by chunks of the shattered ice dam .

  7. 现在如果你从密苏拉城区仰望峡坡,你仍然可以看见一些平行线,那是被风浪雕刻出的古海岸线。

    If you gaze up the valley slopes from downtown Missoula , you can still see parallel lines marking ancient shorelines carved by windblown waves .