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mì jí
  • dense;concentrated;close;thick;be crowded together;crowded together;be thick and fast
密集 [mì jí]
  • [thick] 使紧密,数量很多地聚集在一处

  • 密集这个排的火力,击退敌人的一切反攻

  • [concentrated;be crowded together;be thick and fast] 很紧密地挤在一起的

  • 密集的人群

密集[mì jí]
  1. 应采取增加劳务输出和扩大劳动密集型产品在对外贸易中的比重、大力发展第三产业、调整宏观经济政策的单纯GDP取向、完善劳动力市场等措施,实现经济与就业一致性增长。

    We should increase labor service output and enlarge labor concentrated product import , develop tertiary industry , perfect labor forces market , so that can realize consistent growth between economy and employment .

  2. 发现主盆神经节内分布有大量NOS阳性神经元,其中大部分密集于盆神经进入端,而膀胱端稀少。

    A large percentage of the neurons in MPG was NOS positive , most of the neurons were concentrated on one end of the MPG , where the pelvic nerve entered .

  3. 该市镇处于密集的炮火之下。

    The town is under heavy artillery fire .

  4. 我们遭受了几星期的密集炮击。

    We suffered weeks of heavy shelling .

  5. 双方的武装力量都有密集动作。

    The military on both sides are involved in intense activity .

  6. 每个辅导员在上岗前都要接受密集培训。

    Each counsellor undergoes an intensive training programme before beginning work .

  7. 这个地区是世界上野生动物最为密集的区域之一。

    The area has one of the world 's greatest concentrations of wildlife

  8. 在建筑密集区域,车速限制为每小时30英里。

    A speed limit of 30 mph was introduced in built-up areas .

  9. 那是一首夹杂着撩拨的吉他声和密集的鼓点的激情四射的歌曲。

    The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming

  10. 叛乱者炮轰了港口附近人口密集的郊区。

    The rebels shelled the densely-populated suburbs near the port .

  11. 挤来挤去的密集人群使她感到一种透不过气的恐惧。

    The churning , pressing crowds made her feel claustrophobic .

  12. 他们挤过密集的人群。

    They thrust their way through the dense crowd .

  13. 防暴警察遭到一阵密集的石块和汽油弹的袭击。

    The riot police were met with a hail of stones and petrol bombs .

  14. 他四周的人群密集起来。

    The crowds around him began to thicken

  15. 建筑业相对来说依然是劳动密集型的行业。

    Construction remains a relatively labour-intensive industry .

  16. 他们听到密集的枪炮声。

    They heard thousands of gunshots

  17. 应该更加关注居住在乡村的密集人口。

    More attention should be paid to the dense rurally-based population .

  18. 士兵们冒着密集的炮火匍匐前进。

    The soldiers crept forward under heavy gunfire .

  19. 这里的人群最密集,热情也最高。

    Here the crowd was thickest and most enthusiastic .

  20. 广场上密集着数万人。

    The square was crowded with thousands of people .

  21. 我们认为从“闲暇代表社会地位”到“忙碌代表社会地位”的转变可能与知识密集型经济的发展有关。

    We think that the shift from leisure-as-status to busyness-as-status may be linked to the development of knowledge-intensive economics .

  22. 那么,现在我们可得再加上密集生长的细菌和真菌。

    Well , we can now add to that dense1 growths of bacteria and fungi2 .

  23. 这是为了防止人们扔垃圾,让人流密集的历史中心保持清洁。

    It was needed to stop people from littering and keeping the crowded historical center clean .

  24. 他们更注意生产,比那些更密集的屠宰场拥有更多的雇员

    They take more care and have a greater number of staff than more intensive abattoirs .

  25. 这是一个既冒险又劳动密集型的行业,尤其对于试图只靠这片水域谋生的人来说。

    It 's a risky and labour-intensive business to try to earn a living from these waters .

  26. 关于为什么这么多角色戴手套的简短回答是动画是一个密集的过程。

    The short answer as to why so many characters wear gloves is that animation is an intensive process .

  27. 在印度尼西亚人口最密集爪哇岛上,鸟市上充斥着刺耳嘈杂的歌声。

    Bird markets on Java , Indonesia ’ s most densely1 populated island , are a cacophony2 of song .

  28. 杰克和吉尔刚见面就进入密集热恋期,他们一整天不吃饭,也不睡觉,不过,他们好像完全不在意。

    Upon meeting , Jack and Jill entered a particularly severe love bubble where they forgot to eat or sleep for an entire day , but it was of no matter to them .

  29. 巴黎大区8月8日宣布,自8月10日上午起,法国巴黎及其周边地区11岁及以上人群在人员密集区域须佩戴口罩。

    Masks will be compulsory for people aged 11 and over in crowded areas in Ile-de-France - Paris and its surrounding areas , starting from Monday morning , the prefecture announced on Saturday .

  30. 男士也有他们的吹风机,而且如果他们秃顶的话,还会用毛发生长剂、买假发,或者把头发从密集的地方移植到谢顶的地方

    Men also have hair dryers and , if they suffer from baldness , they use a growth stimulator , buy hairpieces , or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas .