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  • parent fish
亲鱼[qīn yú]
  1. 采用HCG、LRH-A2等外源激素对性成熟亲鱼进行人工催产。

    The mature parent fish were artificially injected with external hormones HCG ang LRH-A 2 as inducing agents .

  2. 产卵后亲鱼死亡,寿命仅壹年。

    The parent fish die after spawning .

  3. 对相同饲养条件下经产虹鳟和初产金鳟亲鱼自然成熟产卵群体生物学特性及其成熟鱼卵中四种不饱和脂肪酸(亚油酸、亚麻酸、EPA、DHA)组成含量进行分析比较。

    The biology characteristic of female mature fish Salmo gairdneri Richardson 、 Oncorhynchus mykiss and content of four polyunsaturated fatty acid ( PUFA ) in its spawn were analysed and studied .

  4. 结果表明,成熟亲鱼注射DOM和LRH-A2进行催产,能够成功地进行人工繁殖。

    The results showed that mature brood fish was injected with DOM and LRH-A2 for spawning inducing , artificial reproduction can be successful .

  5. 经18个月的恢复培养后,使产后亲鱼的平均体重雌鳗330g、雄鳗150g分别恢复到765g和470g。

    After 18 months of cultivation , the average body weight of spawned Japanese eel rose from 330 g for female eel and 150 g for male eel to 765 g and 470 g , respectively .

  6. 鲻鱼亲鱼活体运输试验

    Tests on the transportation of live parent mullet

  7. 日本鳗鲡人工催产后亲鱼恢复培养与再催产效果

    Effects of renewal cultivation and renewal reproduction after spawning in Japanese eel Anguilla japonica

  8. 来自受感染亲鱼的垂直传播是鱼苗感染的主要途径。

    Vertical transmission from infected spawners is a major route for larvae and juveniles infection .

  9. 雌雄亲鱼的成熟率为838%和921%。

    The maturity rate of parent fishes was838 % in female and921 % in male .

  10. 不同培育方式对台湾海峡野生牙鲆亲鱼产卵的影响

    Effect of Different Cultural Mode on the Spawning of Wild Paralichthys olivaceus from Taiwan Strait

  11. 首次报道了石鲽亲鱼培养、产卵习性、卵子孵化、仔稚鱼培育的试验结果。

    The culturing of the parent fish , the spawning habit , the incubation of eggs .

  12. 人工培养条件下,石鲽亲鱼性腺虽能发育,但难以自然产卵,需人工催产。

    Under artificial conditions , the sexual gland of the fish can develop but difficult to spawn .

  13. 臭氧在大菱鲆亲鱼养殖回用水系统中的应用

    Application of Ozone in the Recycling System for the Rearing of Brooding Fish of Scophthalmus maximus Linnaeus

  14. 在进行人工催产时,应根据催产亲鱼的性腺成熟系数决定外源激素的剂量,性腺成熟系数较大者,其外源激素的剂量宜小些;

    The dosages of exogenous hormone were determined by the ovary maturation coefficient of brooders when inducing spawning artificially .

  15. 小型孵化环道条件下,亲鱼能排卵,但不能自然产卵。

    In small hatchery , it was observed that the female brood fish ovulated , but failed to spawn naturally .

  16. 介绍了牙鲆亲鱼、苗种及养成各阶段的养殖方式、养殖条件发展情况。

    In this paper , we introduce the conditions to foster parent fish , to breed larvae and to culture juvenile fish ;

  17. 采用海捕的天然苗种,逐年筛选、精心培育,共获得4~6龄的成熟亲鱼50尾。

    50 matured parent fish of 4 ~ 6 years were obtained by choosing and cultivating natural seed carefully year after year .

  18. 淡水鲳亲鱼经温水越冬,强化培育,其性腺可提早成熟。

    The brood fish of Piaractus brachypomus could reach sexual maturity earlier than usual by means of warm water over-wintering and intensive cultivation .

  19. 对翘嘴红鱼白亲鱼的池塘驯化培育和人工繁殖技术以及夏花鱼种的培育技术进行了研究。

    This paper studied the techniques of pond domestication and artificial propagation of brood fish of Erythroculter ilishaeformis and the cultivating of its summer fingerlings .

  20. 本文研究了产自台湾海峡的野生牙鲆亲鱼的驯养、促熟和产卵。

    This paper deals with the domestication , induced mature and spawning of the wild Japanese flounder , Paralichthys olivaceus , captured from Taiwan Strait .

  21. 本文对半滑舌鳎亲鱼室内培育方法、性腺发育规律、产卵习性、产卵规律及产卵期产卵量、受精率、孵化率、卵子质量等的变化作了较为详细的叙述。

    The spawning habit and regular pattern , the eggs volume , the eggs quality , fertilization rate , hatching rate were detailed in this paper .

  22. 运用人工调控环境因子和使用适宜的促熟与催产的方法,能诱导雌雄亲鱼性腺发育同步,平均受精率为809%,平均孵化率为763%。

    With the control of ecological factors , fish can be induced to spawn synchronously with average rates of fertilization and incubation reaching 80 9 % and 76 3 % respectively .

  23. 对其中1组诱导成熟的亲鱼(雌、雄各1尾)进行人工催产后,亲鱼自然产卵受精,孵出仔鱼2万尾。

    A group of induced and matured stock fish , with one female and one male , spawned and fertilized spontaneously and 20 thousand larvae were hatched out after hormone treatments .

  24. 池塘培育亲鱼试验成活率分别为100%、78.4%和90.6%。

    By mixed culture with normal species fishes in pond . From 1992 to 1994 , the survival rate of parent fishes are 100 % , 78.4 % and 90.6 % respectively .

  25. 余热水越冬雌亲鱼的利润每立方米为201元比余热气越冬的利润每立方米高162元、比锅炉加温越冬的利润每立方米高275.4元。油气系统是最有利的系统;

    The profit in remaining hot water system was 201 Yuan / m ~ 3 , which was 162 Yuan higher than in remaining vapor system and 275.4 Yuan higher than in boiler heating system .

  26. 选择2~3龄鱼作为亲鱼,在海区网箱中采用营养强化结合激素诱导的方法,使其在整个繁殖季节多次成熟产卵。

    In marine cage culture 2 ~ 3 years old cobia selected as a brood-stock could be artificially induced to spawn time after time during the period of their reproduction seasons by enhancing nutrition and using hormones .

  27. 结果表明:引进的发眼卵经930d(11783度日)培育成产卵亲鱼,雌、雄亲鱼成熟系数分别为427%、423%;

    Studying results are as follows : we got the adult fish after 930 days ( 11783 ℃· d ), the mature coefficient of mother fish is 42 7 % of , and 4 23 % of the male .

  28. 亲鱼雌雄比例为1∶0.625时,每尾雌鱼的产卵量仅为13.7万粒,平均受精率为82.3%;

    When the proportion of male and female of Paralichthys olivaceus was 1 ∶ 0.625 , only 13 . 7 ten thousand eggs spawning by each female was collected , and the fertilizing rate of eggs was 82.3 % .

  29. 挑选76尾亲鱼单独喂养,在饲料中添加17a-甲基睾丸酮和多种维生素等,经过两个月的雄性化培育,有57尾转雄,且受挤压时有精液流出,转雄率为75%。

    After two-month masculinized cultivation , by adding 17a-MT , multivitamin and so on to the feedstuff , 57 fish changed into male . And when they were pressed , sperm would effuse . The rate of masculinization was 75 % .

  30. 我们认为生产上采用数量大、来源广的亲鱼进行人工繁殖,并定期用天然种群更换或补充繁殖用亲鱼很可能是保持或增加鱼类人工繁殖种群遗传变异性的一种有效手段。

    We proposed , therefore , using adequate numbers of spawner obtained from various localities in artificial propagation and inoculating genetic materials from natural populations periodically are probably an effective measure to maintain or to increase the genetic variability in an artificially propagated fish stock .